Unpacking developmental local government using soft systems methodology and MCDA tools

Abstract: Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is used to clarify the activities that development local government implies for local authorities, focusing specifically on their ability to effectively impact upon poverty. It also uses a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach in a small community in South Africa.

Author(s): Scott, L.

Source(s): , ORiON; Vol. 21, No. 2 p. 173-195, ill., tabs ORiON Vol. 21, No. 2

Published: 2005 Operations research society of South Africa (ORSSA), [S.l.] (English

ISBN/ISSN: /0529-191X

Link: http://www.orssa.org.za/wiki/uploads/ORiON/ORiON_21_173-195.pdf

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