Abstract: A survey has been conducted to explore the level of competency of IT specialists in managing e-government at the various levels of Kebumen regency government, Indonesia. Current specialists are not up to the task and further training will be required.
Author(s): Rokhman, Ali; Priyono, Rawuh Edy
Source(s): , Journal of African & Asian local government studies (JAALGS); Vol. 2, No. 1] p. 106-118 Journal of African & Asian local government studies (JAALGS) Vol. 2, No. 1]
Published: 2013 Khon Kaen university. International association of local government scholars, [Khon Kaen (English
ISBN/ISSN: [2286-7104/
Link: http://jaalgs.net/journal/index.php/jals/article/viewFile/50/46
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