Tag: climatic change
Post-2015 global development agenda : making the case for decentralisation and local governance
Abstract: Decentralization and local governance (DLG) need to be integrated in the post-2015 framework as a ‘strategic enabler’. DLG play a role in providing basic services and addressing inequalities, food insecurity, urbanization, youth unemployment, climate change, conflict and insecurity. Author(s): Awortwi, Nicholas Source(s): , DeLoG working paper; 2 ix, 30 p., ill., graphs, tabs DeLoG…
Role of local government on REDD+ implementation in Indonesia : case study of central Kalimantan as REDD+ pilot province
Abstract: A provincial pilot study in Indonesia revealed that REDD+ can empower forest communities and enhance forest carbon storage at the same time. However, land-use planning regulations present considerable challenges. Author(s): Wicaksono, Dian Agung; Santosa, Wahyu Yun Source(s): , p. 56-64 Published: 2012 International conference on local government] (ICLG), [S.l. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.iclg.in.th/Proceedings/08_005%20Dian%20Agung%20Wicaksono,%20Wahyu%20Yun%20Santosa.pdf
Climate change as a wicked problem : an evaluation of the institutional context for rural water management in Ghana
Abstract: A typical Adaptive Co-Management (ACM) for the wicked problem of climate change confronting water management in Ghana must specifically emphasize continuous learning in an iterative manner within networks as its overriding objective for local management institutions. Author(s): FitzGibbon, John; Mensah, Kenneth O. Source(s): , SAGE open; 2 14 p., ill., graph, tabs SAGE open…
Natural resources and environment = Ressources naturelles et environnement = Recursos naturales y medio ambiente
Abstract: These web pages provide key information related to land, water and genetic resources, and the access to and tenure of these resources. They also address the challenges and opportunities of bioenergy, agriculture, fisheries, and forestry in the light of climate change. Author(s): FAO Source(s): , Published: 2011 Food and agriculture organization of the United…
Environmental decentralization and political centralization
Abstract: Political centralization tends to improve the result of the decentralization of environmental policies addressing local environmental problems. However, the opposite effect was found for environmental policies addressing global environmental problems such as climate change. Author(s): Fredriksson, Per G.; Wollscheid, Jim R. Source(s): , 38 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011 Università politecnica delle marche],…
Decentralization and REDD+ in Brazil
Abstract: Central states will be accountable for REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) money, and may keep a significant share. Supporters of decentralization argue that centralized implementation of REDD+ will be ineffective and inefficient. Author(s): Toni, Fabiano Source(s): , Forests; 2 p. 66-85, ill., graphs, tabs Forests 2 Published: 2011 MDPI. Open access…
Climate change, empowerment and accountability
Abstract: This GSDRC helpdesk report examines how climate change policy and interventions best work to empower poor and vulnerable individuals and communities and effectively utilise accountability mechanisms to ensure their concerns are addressed. Author(s): McDevitt, Andrew; Huq, Saleemul Source(s): , Helpdesk research report; [HD738] 19 p Helpdesk research report [HD738] Published: 2010 University of Birmingham].…
Wageningen centre of governance (WGC)
Abstract: The Wageningen Centre of Governance (WCG) brings together a diverse array of scholars across Wageningen University with a shared interest in analyzing, evaluating and contributing to reform of multi-level and multi-actor governance arrangements. Author(s): WUR Source(s): , Published: 2010 Wageningen UR (WUR), Wageningen (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.governance.wur.nl/UK/
The Community development carbon fund (CDCF) : assessment of community benefits and sustainable development
Abstract: The Community Development Carbon Fund (CDCF) supports projects that measurably benefit poor communities and generate verified Kyoto-compliant emission reductions. The CDCF also emphasizes community dialogue, participation, and local government involvement. Author(s): Sen, Aditi Source(s): , 34 p., ill., graph, tabs Published: 2009 World bank. Community development carbon fund (CDCF), Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Cities for climate protection (CCP) Australia adaptation initiative : local government climate change adaptation toolkit
Abstract: The tools and exercises in this toolkit are designed to help councils identify aspects of their internal decision-making processes that need to be enhanced to appropriately and routinely plan for the impacts of climate change. Author(s): Source(s): , vi, 61 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 ICLEI Oceania, Melbourne (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://masgc.org/climate/cop/Documents/CCPAAI.pdf