Tag: community development
Local governance and community development initiatives : contributions for community development programs in Timor-Leste
Abstract: What models may be used for local development in decentralization, community development, and local governance planning? In Timor-Leste, the two main models are: the Local Development Programme and the Decentralized Development Program (PDD). Author(s): Butterworth, David; Dale, Pamela Source(s): , Research report / Justice for the poor (J4P) ii, 54 p., ill., maps, tabs…
Community driven development in Bangladesh : factors behind the reality
Abstract: A review of community driven development in Bangladesh demonstrates that both formal and informal organizations can bring about people centric development through empowerment. Successful cases include social forestry, community-based health management, microfinance, and cereal banks. Author(s): Baroi, Harold Sougato; Rabbani, Golam Source(s): , Canadian social science; Vol. 7, No. 4 p. 74-81, ill Canadian…
Conflict and cooperation in local water governance
Abstract: The Competing for Water research programme investigates local water conflict and cooperation in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and analyzes the consequences for the poor. The programme is coordinated by the Danish Institute for International Studies with (international) partners. Author(s): DIIS Source(s): , Published: 2010 Danish institute for international studies (DIIS), Copenhagen (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Elite capture or capture elites? : lessons from the ‘counter-elite’ and ‘co-opt-elite’ approaches in Bangladesh and Ghana
Abstract: According to many, community-based development leaves room for elite capture. Using cases from Ghana and Bangladesh, this paper concludes that the success of dealing with elite capture lies in the flexible use of the ‘counter-elite’ and ‘co-opt-elite’ approaches together. Author(s): Wong, Sam Source(s): , Working paper / UNU-WIDER; 2010/82 18 p., ill., tab Working…
Participatory development and its emergence in the fields of community and international development
Abstract: This study of participatory development and its evolution, explores developmental concepts related to PD including: community, development, community development, capacity-building, project, decentralization, civil society, empowerment, self-reliance, and sustainable development. Author(s): Ben-Meir, Yossef Source(s): , xiv, 425 p., ill., maps, tabs facs. Published: 2009 UMI, Ann Arbor, MI (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://gradworks.umi.com/3359812.pdf
Citizen mobilisation in Nepal : building on Nepal’s tradition of social mobilisation to make local governance more inclusive and accountable
Abstract: Nepal’s Ministry of Local Development initiated a programme on Local Governance and Community Development, to support good governance and inclusive community development. This report focuses on empowering citizens and communities to engage with local government bodies and to hold them accountable. Author(s): Jha, Chhaya Source(s): , LGCDP outcome; 1 162 p., ill., tabs LGCDP…
Training manual to facilitate decentralized local government planning activities to empower communities in the context of public sector reform : concept and method of decentralized local government planning processes
Abstract: This training manual includes information on: (1) the key areas of decentralization; (2) the rational for decentralization; (3) making a local development plan; (4) making a community development action plan. Author(s): Kamara, Kenday Samuel Source(s): , Decentralization training manual [128] p., ill., tabs Decentralization training manual Published: 2009 University of Sussex. Institute of development…
Khanya-aicdd : African institute for community-driven development
Abstract: Khanya-AICDD is an African centre of expertise on community-driven development, which helps transform development systems to support the livelihoods of poor people in Africa through action-learning processes that link government, civil society and business. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2009 African institute for community-driven development (Khanya-aicdd), Bloemfontein [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.khanya-aicdd.org/
Local governance self-assessment : guidelines for facilitators
Abstract: This Local Governance Self-Assessment tool is one among many tools that can contribute to build empowered citizens’ participation and accountability into local governance. The tool is designed to be used at community and Union Parishad levels. Author(s): Boss, Matthias Source(s): , 36 p., ill., tabs Published: 2009 Intercooperation, Dhaka (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.intercooperation-bd.org/PDF/sharique%20doc%20-%20local%20governance%20self-assessment%20(english).pdf
Sharing experience : enhancing the benefits to communities from extractive industry projects
Abstract: In the first part of this 2-h video, Dan Owen, Program Coordinator for Community Driven Development at the World Bank, gives an overview of the Bank’s practices. Author(s): Owen, Dan Source(s): , 1:59 min., ill. Published: 2009 Sustainable community development fund (CommDev), [Washington, DC] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2929743005347131557#