Tag: education
The sustainability of community participation activities in pre-university education : case study on developing the board of trustees
Abstract: Since the 1990s, the government of Egypt attempts to improve the quality of education by way of decentralization . Donors assist by strengthening the role of the Board of trustees in schools to promote community participation. This was effective, but the effect dropped off after donor withdrawal. Author(s): Megeed, Hebatallah Yehia Abdel Source(s): ,…
Attribution and accountability : voting for roads in Ghana
Abstract: The thesis argues that democracy makes African governments more responsive to the rural majority, thereby generating dissatisfaction among urban voters. A distinction is made between attributable inputs (roads) and non-attributable inputs (education material) in Ghana. Author(s): Harding, Robin Source(s): , 45 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2013 New York university (NYU)], [New York,…
Efficiency of local service provision in Zambia’s health, education and road sectors : implications for decentralisation and the effectiveness of budget support
Abstract: This study examines the scope for improving the operational efficiency of public financial management (PFM) in sub-Saharan African countries, using the case of local service provision in Zambia’s health, education, and road sectors. Author(s): Leiderer, Stefan Source(s): , Studies / German development institute; 71 304 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Studies / German development…
Transnational research : decentralization in west and central Africa : learning from local and intersector lessons : education, water, health : summary report of case studies
Abstract: A study was conducted in West and Central Africa to study the impact of decentralization on the transfer of powers and resources and on the management of basic services, in particular water, education and health. The grassroots management committees are deemed functional on the whole. PDF file link Author(s): Malam Moussa, Laouli; Ilboudo, Ernest…
The character of school governance in South Sumatera, Indonesia
Abstract: The effect of education decentralization on school governance was examined in South Sumatra, Indonesia. The study found that there is virtually no school governance. The schools were still dominated by state actors such as school managers and teachers, who remain in a position of authority. Author(s): Alamsyah, Alamsyah; Mardianto, Mardianto Source(s): , Journal of…
The online sourcebook on decentralization and local development = Sourcebook en ligne sur la décentralisation et local développement = Libro guia de decentralization y desarrollo local
Abstract: This sourcebook provides general background information, presents case studies from around the world, and discusses a number of issues in programme design including administrative, fiscal, political decentralization, and issues related to agriculture, health, education, and natural resources. Author(s): FAO; UNDP; DEZA; GTZ; World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2012 Food and agriculture organization of the…
Citizen charters : enhancing service delivery through accountability : dealing with governance and corruption risks in project lending
Abstract: Introduced by the United Kingdom in the early 1990s, CCs are now being used in a wide range of countries — including the United States, Kenya, India, Jamaica, and Mexico — to improve the quality of service delivery and enhance public sector management. Author(s): Post, David; Agarwal, Sanjay Source(s): , How-to notes 17 p.,…
A toolkit for best practices in school governance : Idasa’s Right to know, right to education project
Abstract: This toolkit provides a set of easy-to-follow steps, concepts and guidelines to help local communities to focus and understand Best Practices in Schools and Governing Bodies to meet basic standards. It is a generic guide that is adaptable to different situations, countries and systems. Author(s): IDASA Source(s): , 24 p,, ill., tabs Published: 2012…
Decentralization and school management in Namibia : the ideologies of education bureaucrats in implementing government policies : research article
Abstract: This paper examines the ideologies of school inspectors, principals, and teachers in the implementation of decentralized, cluster-based educational change in post-Apartheid Namibia. It shows that the worldviews of the educationists can be characterized as authoritarian, bureaucratic, and managerial. Author(s): Pomuti, Hertha; Weber, Everard Source(s): , ISRN education; Article ID 731072 8:00 PM ISRN education…