Tag: Elections
Attribution and accountability : voting for roads in Ghana
Abstract: The thesis argues that democracy makes African governments more responsive to the rural majority, thereby generating dissatisfaction among urban voters. A distinction is made between attributable inputs (roads) and non-attributable inputs (education material) in Ghana. Author(s): Harding, Robin Source(s): , 45 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2013 New York university (NYU)], [New York,…
NED : National endowment for democracy : supporting freedom around the world
Abstract: Each year, with funding from the US Congress, NED supports more than 1,000 projects of non-governmental groups abroad who are working for democratic goals in more than 90 countries. Grantees include groups that promote civic engagement in local governance. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 National endowment for democracy (NED), Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Through a local government lens : AU charter on democracy, elections and governance
Abstract: The African Union Commission announced the entry into force of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG) on 15 February 2012. The ACDEG has specific relevance to local democracy in Africa and will assist in nurturing and safeguarding subnational democracy in the region. Author(s): Mutakha, Kangu; Bosire, Conrad Source(s): , [Local government…
Assessing pre-election political space in the 2011 local government elections
Abstract: A systematic assessment of pre-election space in the 2011 local government elections shows that whilst the vast majority of South Africans can freely vote and express their opinions, pre-election campaign space is fragile and not given, and will therefore need to be nurtured in future elections. Author(s): Africa, Cherrel; Lynch, Gerry Source(s): , Politeia;…
IFES : International foundation for electoral systems
Abstract: The International Foundation For Electoral Systems (IFES) is the global leader in election assistance and democracy promotion. It promotes good governance requiring that citizens work collaboratively with officials in the pursuit of common social, political, economic and cultural goals. Author(s): IFES Source(s): , Published: 2011 International foundation for electoral systems (IFES), Washington, DC (English…
Understanding local self governance : an applied research perspective
Abstract: This paper questions the current practice of appointing local public officials by the central government. This turns out to be more partisan than originally intended in the Local Government Act. Constitutional amendments in favour of local government elections are urgently needed. Author(s): Indira, A. Source(s): , International NGO journal (INGOJ); Vol. 6, No. 1…
Testing democracy : which way is South Africa going?
Abstract: South Africa’s democ¬racy is assessed through Idasa’s Democracy Index, comprising 100 questions that interrogate how closely democracy meets the broadly defined ideal of popular self-government. The main topics are: participation, elections, accountability, political freedom, and human dignity. Author(s): Misra-Dexter, Neeta; February, Judith Source(s): , xxviii, 282 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2010 Idasa, Cape…
Making decentralization work : democracy, development, and security
Abstract: This introductory chapter to a collection of essays provides an excellent overview of how decentralization may both enhance and undermine democracy, development, and security. Decentralization appeals flexibly to actors who are motivated by very different goals. Author(s): Connerley, Ed; Eaton, Kent; Smoke, Paul J. Source(s): , viii, 263 p., ill., tabs, 24 cm Published:…
Public administration : local government and decentralization in Ghana : review
Abstract: This paper makes a case for local government elections at district and regional level and recommends constitutional amendments to allow locals to elect their own public officials as an alternative to the current appointment practices by the central government of Ghana. Author(s): Antwi-Boasiako, Kwame Badu Source(s): , Journal of African studies and development; Vol.…