Tag: Fiscal policy
The Impact of Decentralization
While decentralization is considered as a good way to reform the public sector in developing countries, there are opponents who argue that it has even negative or inconclusive impacts. In CESinfo DICE report 2004, the paper titled “The Impact of Decentralization on Service Delivery, Corruption, Fiscal Management and Growth in Developing and Emerging Market Economies:…
Review: Fiscal decentralization and macroeconomic management
The paper (Fiscal decentralization and macroeconomic management) by Anwar Shah published in 2006 aims to discuss a central question ¨whether or not fiscal decentralization implies serious risks for fiscal discipline and macroeconomic management for the nation as a whole.” The author claims that fiscal decentralization is more essential to improve macroeconomic regulation than a centralized fiscal…
Devolution of financial resources to the local governments
Abstract: The prospects of devolution of financial resources at the local level and the problems that are likely to be encountered in the process are examined. Other aspects are the new National Finance Commission, the Charter of Democracy, and developments related to them. Author(s): Nasir, Zafar Mueen Source(s): , [10] p. Published: 2013 Islamabad policy…
The online sourcebook on decentralization and local development = Sourcebook en ligne sur la décentralisation et local développement = Libro guia de decentralization y desarrollo local
Abstract: This sourcebook provides general background information, presents case studies from around the world, and discusses a number of issues in programme design including administrative, fiscal, political decentralization, and issues related to agriculture, health, education, and natural resources. Author(s): FAO; UNDP; DEZA; GTZ; World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2012 Food and agriculture organization of the…
Innovations for decentralization and local development (IDLD) : Cambodia : final project evaluation by using Special programme implementation review (SPIRE) approach
Abstract: This UNCDF funded project was operational during 2008-2012 and dealt among other things with questions of functional assignments and fiscal decentralization. It is expected that project results with regards to the legal frameworks (planning and finance) are sustainable. Author(s): Land, Gerhard Van ‘t; Pak, Kimchoeun Source(s): , 73 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published:…
Tax me, but spend wisely : public finance and government accountability
Abstract: This paper shows that local governments are more accountable when a larger fraction of their resources comes from local taxes. Moreover extra transfer revenues lead to more corruption, extra tax revenues do not. Author(s): Gadenne, Lucie Source(s): , 62 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2012 American economic association (AEA)], [Nashville, TN (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Open government partnership
Abstract: In order to participate in OGP, governments must exhibit a demonstrated commitment to open government at local and national level in four key areas: (1) fiscal transparency; (2) access to information; (3) public disclosure for elected or senior public officials; and (4) citizen engagement. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Open government partnership (OGP), [S.l.]…
FreeBalance : modernizing public financial management = modernise la gestion des finances publiques = modernizando el manejo de las finanzas públicas
Abstract: FreeBalance is a global provider of software solutions for public financial management (PFM). PFM is an essential part of the international development process. FreeBalance solutions support government modernization, fiscal decentralization, and public finance reform across all levels of government. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 FreeBalance, Ottawa [etc.] (English; French; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.freebalance.com/
How close is your government to its people? : worldwide indicators on localization and decentralization
Abstract: This paper uses data from a variety of sources to rank countries on political, fiscal and administrative dimensions of decentralization and localization. Aggregated overall ranking provides a measure of the closeness of government to the people. Author(s): Ivanyna, Maksym; Shah, Anwar Source(s): , Policy research working paper; WPS 6138 39 p., ill., graphs, maps,…
Decentralization program : towards sustainable good local governance
Abstract: The Decentralization Program (DP) is a joint development effort of the governments of the Philippines and Germany. It aims at improving governance and participatory development to provide for local needs by political decentralization, fiscal decentralization and capacity development. Author(s): GIZ Source(s): , Published: 2011 Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) [etc.], Bonn [etc.] (English…