Tag: forest resources
In and out of the forest : decentralisation and recentralisation of forest governance in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Abstract: The question what actual impact both de- and recentralisation of forest governance had on the livelihoods of local communities in East Kalimantan is examined. Undesired outcomes of decentralisation have been counteracted by an immediate effort to recentralise. Author(s): Bullinger, Cathrin; Haug, Michaela Source(s): , Austrian journal of south-east Asian studies (ASEAS); vol. 5, no.…
IFLEA : Institutions for forest resource and livelihood management in east African forest landscapes
Abstract: The objective of IFLEA is to strengthen research capacities to better understand the role of institutions and institutional change for sustainable natural resource management and livelihoods in East African forest landscapes, specifically Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Institutions for forest resource and livelihood management in east African forest landscapes…
Does secure land tenure save forests? : a review of the relationship between land tenure and tropical deforestation
Abstract: Deforestation is linked to land tenure security. A literature review of over 130 cases under specific land tenure conditions showed that land tenure security is associated with less deforestation, regardless of the form of tenure. Protected forests are associated with more positive forest outcomes. Author(s): Robinson, Brian E.; Holland, Margaret B.; Naughton-Treves, Lisa Source(s):…
Respecting rights, delivering development : forest tenure reform since Rio 1992
Abstract: Research shows that where the rights of Indigenous Peoples and communities are recognized, their territories and community-managed forests outperform public protected areas in preventing deforestation and ensuring conservation. Most of the progress occurred in Latin America. Author(s): Source(s): , 15 p., ill., graphs, map Published: 2012 Rights and resources initiative (RRI), Washington, DC (English…
Forest management decentralization in Kenya : effects on household farm forestry decisions in Kakamega
Abstract: The effects of forest decentralization through the Kenya Forest Act of 2005, on farm forestry investment was studied among Kakamega forest communities. It was found that participatory forest management reduces investments by the poor, so complementary measures will be necessary. Author(s): Nyangena, Wilfred; Ogada, Maurice Juma; Sikei, Geophrey Source(s): , [32] p., ill., tabs…
CIPEC : Center for the study of institutions, population and environmental change
Abstract: CIPEC studies processes of change in forest environments as mediated by institutional arrangements, demographic factors, and other major human driving forces. CIPEC activities include interdisciplinary training and research. Its focus is on the Western Hemisphere. Author(s): Indiana University Source(s): , Published: 2011 Indiana university, Bloomington, IN [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.indiana.edu/~cipec/
Tenure in REDD : start-point or afterthought?
Abstract: This report aims to promote debate on the REDD mechanisms, drawing on experience from rainforest countries. It explores tenure issues and identifies key challenges to be addressed if REDD is to have equitable and sustainable impact. Author(s): Cotula, Lorenzo; Mayers, James Source(s): , IIED natural resource issues; 15 vi, 56 p., ill., tabs IIED…
New niches of community rights to forests in Cameroon : tenure reform, decentralization category or something else?
Abstract: This essay interrogates the nature of ongoing change in the structure of community rights in Cameroon: is it tenure change or decentralization? In reality, it is neither a strict decentralization process nor a strict tenure reform, but a mixture of devolution and delegation of powers. Author(s): Oyono, Phil René Source(s): , International journal of…
Beyond tenure : rights-based approaches to peoples and forests : some lessons from the forest peoples programme
Abstract: On the basis of a review of 17 years of programmatic work with forest peoples in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, this paper explores the complexity of rights that need recognition if community-based livelihoods in forests are to be secured and well-being is to be improved. Author(s): Colchester, Marcus Source(s): , iv, 44 p.…
Tenure rights and beyond : community access to forest resources in Latin America
Abstract: This paper collects different case studies on the evolving rights of forest groups in relation to access to forests and to the economic benefits such access entails in Latin America. Includes case studies from Guatemala, Bolivia, Brazil, and Nicaragua. Author(s): Larson, Anne M. Source(s): , CIFOR occasional paper; 50 viii, 91 p., ill., maps…