Tag: informal sector
Local government and local development : bridging the gap through critical discourse : evidence from the Commonwealth Caribbean
Abstract: This paper discusses: (1) the institutional and organisational imperatives of a developmental role for local government; and (2) the extent to which these imperatives have been addressed in reform. Generally, local government must be linked more consistently with a local development strategy. Author(s): Schoburgh, Eris D. Source(s): , Commonwealth journal of local governance (CJLG);…
Managing informality : local government practices and approaches towards the informal economy : learning examples from five African countries
Abstract: This report presents six case studies from across different African countries – including Kenya, Mali, Rwanda, South Africa and Tanzania – featuring local governments’ utilization of innovative approaches to better manage the informal economy or sector thereof in their localities. Author(s): David, Susanne Source(s): , 97 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2012 South African…
Informal taxation
Abstract: The magnitude, distributional implications, and forms of informal taxation for the construction and maintenance of local public goods is estimated, using anecdotal evidence from 10 developing countries. An example is labour payment for rural road construction. Author(s): Olken, Benjamin Aaron; Singhal, Monica Source(s): , 41 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011 Massachusetts institute of…
The importance of the informal economy for local economic development (LED) in Africa
Abstract: This short paper argues that LED strategies can only succeed by taking the informal sector into account. Simultaneously, the LED process provides a major opportunity for improving the performance of the informal sector in Africa in terms of income generation and employment for the poor. Author(s): Hobson, Emma Wadie Source(s): , Knowledge brief; 2…
Street trading in Cape Town CBD : a study of the relationship between local government and street traders
Abstract: A survey among 71 street traders in Cape Town indicates that there is a positive relationship between traders and the City of Cape Town, but that local government does not live up to expectation when it comes to the facilitation of informal business development. Policy recommendations are provided. Author(s): Heerden, Schalk Willem Van Source(s):…
From poverty to power? : women’s participation in intermediary organisations in site C, Khayelitsha
Abstract: This article examines how South-African women organize themselves in community structures to claim socio-economic rights through participation. Intermediary institutions mediate the participatory spaces for engagement created by local government. Author(s): Thompson, Lisa; Conradie, Ina Source(s): , Africanus; vol. 41, no. 1 p. 43-56, ill., tab Africanus vol. 41, no. 1 Published: 2011 Unisa, [Pretoria]…
Up-scaling local economic development : lessons from the Ghana decent work programme
Abstract: This case study presents and analyses the lessons learned from the Local Economic Development (LED) component of the Ghana Decent Work Programme (GDWP). It fostered social dialogue at local level, strengthened local businesses, and extended social protection for workers in the informal economy. Author(s): Tijmstra, Sylvia Source(s): , viii, 40 p., ill., graph, tabs…
Informal institutions key issue guide
Abstract: This web guide provides information on the role of traditional institutions or informal institutions in the development process by complementing state initiatives or by providing a space for the poor to access the state. Author(s): Ananthpur, Kripa; IDS Source(s): , Published: 2010 University of Sussex. Institute of development studies (IDS). Eldis, Brighton (English ISBN/ISSN:…
De-scaling without democratic substance : water provisioning in peripheral Kano, Nigeria
Abstract: The case of informal water supply near Kano, Nigeria, is used to highlight an expanding form of service provision in African cities and the democratic problems associated with it. Users are increasingly dependent on neo-traditional politics, rather than democratically controlled institutions. Author(s): Andrae, Gunilla Source(s): , Bulletin de l’APAD; 31-32 16 p., ill., tab…
What can rural local governments contribute to private sector development?
Abstract: This paper examines how local governments can support private sector actors within their territory: farmers and enterprises, both formal and informal. The focus is on poverty alleviation in West Africa. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Baltissen, Gerard; Lodenstein, Elsbet Source(s): , KIT working papers series; WPS.G2 ii, 14 p KIT working papers series WPS.G2 Published:…