Tag: telephone
Impact of mobile telephone on the quality and speed of agricultural extension services delivery : evidence from the rural e-service project in India
Abstract: This study examines the impact of a mobile phone technology enhanced services on agricultural extension services delivery system in Madhya Pradesh, India. Disadvantaged farmers benefit more from the intervention than those who are better off. Author(s): Fu, Xiaolan; Akter, Shaheen Source(s): , 30 p., ill., tabs Published: 2012 University of Minnesota. Waite library. AgEcon…
ICT4Gov : ICT mediated participatory budgeting in South-Kivu : mobilizing resources for the poor
Abstract: In Congo (DRC) citizens use their mobile phones to vote on community priorities for local public services. When they have reached an agreement the local government devotes a percentage of the local investment budget to the project selected by the citizens. Author(s): WBI [World Bank Institute] Source(s): , 4:02 min. Published: 2011 World bank…