Local government in Uganda

Abstract: The history of local government in Uganda is presented. Recent constitutional changes are outlined, the various levels of democratic local government and their respective responsibilities are summarized, and the challenges of local governments to raise revenue are highlighted.

Author(s): Golooba-Mutebi, Frederick

Source(s): , Local government bulletin; Vol. 9, No. 4 p. 25-28, ill Local government bulletin Vol. 9, No. 4

Published: 2006 Centre for municipal research & advice (CMRA), [Waterkloof Heights (English


Link: http://search.sabinet.co.za/WebZ/Authorize?sessionid=0&bad=ejour/ejour_badsearch.html&portal=ejournal&next=images/ejour/lgbul/lgbul_v9_n4_a10.pdf

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