Tag: Africa
Decentralization, trends and constraints
Abstract: The interrelationships between the concepts of decentralization, good governance, local government, democratization, local governance, civil society, and participation are described. Recent trends and developments in decentralization are explained in relation to poverty reduction. Author(s): Walle, John Van Der Source(s): , [9] p. Published: 2002 Royal tropical institute (KIT)], [Amsterdam (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.kit.nl/kit/Walle,-John-van-der-(2002)-Decentralization,-trends-and-constraints
Decentralization, local governance and ‘recentralization’ in Africa
Abstract: African decentralization reforms are still experiencing problems in bringing about effective local governance. Central reluctance to relinquish authority in key areas of budgeting and revenue and the complexity of organizational redesign to support decentralization explain these problems. Author(s): Wunsch, James Stevenson Source(s): Public administration and development; 21(2001)4, p. 277-288 Public administration and development 21(2001)4…
African decentralisation policies and practices from 1980s and beyond
Abstract: The dilemmas of recent decentralization policies and programmes in Africa are highlighted and the main features of African decentralization practices from colonial times to the 1980s and beyond are identified. Author(s): Olowu, Bamidele Source(s): , Working papers / Institute of social studies; 334 46 p., 30 cm Working papers / Institute of social studies…
Strategic priorities and operational challenges for European support for democratic decentralisation in the context of the new ACP-EU partnership agreement
Abstract: European donors will remain important supporters for democratic decentralization and municipal development in Africa, but many strategic and operational challenges exist on both sides. The paper outlines ways to address those, and to anchor poverty and local development concerns in European support. Author(s): Loquai, Christiane Source(s): , ECDPM discussion paper; no. 24 53 p.,…