Tag: irrigation
The political economy of agricultural policy reform in India : fertilizers and electricity for irrigation
Abstract: Decentralization and devolution of groundwater management, energy supply, and fertilizer subsidies are among the options for agricultural policy reform that aim to reduce or eliminate elite capture in rural India. Author(s): Birner, Regina; Gupta, Surupa; Sharma, Neeru Source(s): , IFPRI research monograph; [174] xxvii, 231 p., ill., graphs, tabs IFPRI research monograph [174] Published:…
The impact of decentralization on large scale irrigation : evidence from the Philippines
Abstract: Econometric analysis of a 83,000 hectares irrigation system in the Philippines finds that decentralized subsystems are more likely to solve collective action problems such as free-riding, conflict resolution and rule enforcement, and highlights the importance of credible enforcement. Author(s): Araral, Eduardo K. Source(s): , Water alternatives; Vol. 4, Issue 2 p. 110-123, ill., tabs…
Fostering community-driven development : what role for the state?
Abstract: State development strategies for more effectively tapping community-level energies and resources are examined, using case studies from Asia and Latin America. One approach is to form alliances between higher levels of government and communities to put pressure on local authorities. Author(s): Das Gupta, Monica; Grandvoinnet, Helene; Romani, Mattia Source(s): , Policy research working paper;…