Tag: acp
ECDPM : European centre for development policy management
Abstract: ECDPM contributes to the search for home-grown governance strategies at local, national, regional and continental levels in Africa and strengthens the EU capacity to programme, implement, monitor and evaluate governance support. Author(s): ECDPM Source(s): , Published: 2008 European centre for development policy management (ECDPM), [Maastricht etc.] (English; French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.ecdpm.org/Web_ECDPM/Web/Content/Navigation.nsf/Index2?ReadForm
Strategic priorities and operational challenges for European support for democratic decentralisation in the context of the new ACP-EU partnership agreement
Abstract: European donors will remain important supporters for democratic decentralization and municipal development in Africa, but many strategic and operational challenges exist on both sides. The paper outlines ways to address those, and to anchor poverty and local development concerns in European support. Author(s): Loquai, Christiane Source(s): , ECDPM discussion paper; no. 24 53 p.,…