Tag: Capacity Building
Society for Participatory Research in Asia: PRIA
Since its inception in 1982, the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) has been an international center for learning and promoting participation within democratic governance. With its mission to promote policies, institutions and capacities that strengthen inclusion and increase democratic participation and the socio-economic status of the marginalized, PRIA implements key initiatives that focus on…
The Hague academy for local governance : training programme 2013
Abstract: The Hague Academy for Local Governance offers open enrolment courses, tailor-made training programmes, study visits and masterclasses on participation, accountability, fiscal issues, local economic development, peacebuilding, (female) leadership, climate change, and water governance. Author(s): Klokke, Rebke; Hague Academy For Local Governance Source(s): , 32 p., ill. Published: 2013 The Hague academy for local governance,…
Administratio publica : editions
Abstract: Administratio Publica is a quarterly journal. The aim of the journal is to promote academic scholarship in Public Administration and Management and related fields. It is produced by the Association of Southern African Schools and Departments of Public Administration and Management (ASSADPAM). Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2013 Association of southern African schools and departments…
Strengthening local councils in Uganda
Abstract: Uganda’s ambitious decentralization programme did not prepare district officials and local council members to deliver. The Strengthening Democratic Linkages in Uganda Activity worked with councilors in 10 districts by simplifying processes for planning and budgeting and clarifying procedures. Author(s): Mulema, Eva; Wetterberg, Anna Source(s): , International development group working paper series; 2013-01 iv, 23…
OIDP : Observatorio internacional de la democracia participativa = IODP : International observatory on participatory democracy
Abstract: The International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD) is a space open to all cities in the world and all associations, organizations and research centres interested in learning about participatory democracy with the aim of deepening the roots of local democracy. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2013 Observatorio internacional de la democracia participativa (OIDP), Barcelona (Spanish;…
Human resources competence in e-government in local government
Abstract: A survey has been conducted to explore the level of competency of IT specialists in managing e-government at the various levels of Kebumen regency government, Indonesia. Current specialists are not up to the task and further training will be required. Author(s): Rokhman, Ali; Priyono, Rawuh Edy Source(s): , Journal of African & Asian local…
CCRE/CEMR : Council of European municipalities and regions = Conseil des communes et régions d’Europe
Abstract: The Council of European Municipalities represents 150,000 local governments in Europe. It has an active network for North/South local government cooperation that seeks to promote the exchange of experience and of best practice between the relevant parties. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2013 Council of European municipalities and regions (CEMR) = Conseil des communes et…
The state of Ghana’s local government system : the case of assembly members
Abstract: This paper discusses some of the weaknesses of Ghana’s local government system, in particular the issues affecting the local development operations of Assembly Members. Their many challenges require national civic education and constitutional amendments to address. Author(s): Adusei-Asante, Kwadwo Source(s): , Inkanyiso : journal of humanities and social sciences; Vol. 4, No. 2 p.…
Planact : making towns & cities work for people
Abstract: Planact is a people-centred, community development organization in Gauteng, South Africa. It builds the capacity of civil society to engage with government and become partners in development, targeting the most marginalized and disadvantaged communities. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Planact, Braamfontein (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.planact.org.za/
ICMA : leaders at the core of better communities
Abstract: ICMA, the International City/County Management Association, develops and advances professional local government management to create sustainable communities that improve lives worldwide. It provides member support, publications, peer assistance, and training and professional development. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 International city/county management association (ICMA), Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://icma.org/en/icma/home