Author: john.coonrod
Tarjeta de Puntuación
Tenemos la intención de trabajar con la comunidad local de práctica de la democracia local participativa para desarrollar y utilizar una tarjeta de puntuación de gobernanza compartida para evaluar y clasificar la democracia local en todo el mundo. Este cuadro de mando elevará el perfil de la democracia local a través de la publicación anual…
Family Planning – a Challenge to Decentralization
February 5, 2014 At today’s Family Planning 2020 stakeholder meeting, Prof. Fasli Jalal, head of the National Population and Family Planning Board, Indonesia, addressed his country’s strategy for addressing family planning in the context of a highly decentralized political system. Indonesia took the “big bang” approach to decentralization in 2000, devolving resources and decision-making authority…
Quick Poll Results
Here are the results from past polls (Dec 2013 – Feb 2014) #1 Holiday Poll (Dec 2013) All these key elements are important – and the members of our Global Community of Practice feel that greater citizen engagement is far and away the most important. #2 #3 We were surprised to see what a…
Introducing the RDLG Bibliographic Database
We are pleased to announce that the Rural Decentralization and Local Government (RDLG) Database, with its 1600 bibliographic entries – is now part of this website. The Royal Tropical Institute in the Netherlands has, for many years, supported its development and operation within its KIT Information and Library Services. When the services closed in August 2013 due…
UNDP – Measuring Local Governance
UNDP’s Oslo Governance Center produced this useful guide to measuring local governance, published in 2009. The purpose of the Guide is “to compile existing knowledge and decentralization and local governance measurement and provide a platform for understanding and navigating the array of assessment tools that exist…” This report is a treasure chest of references to frameworks,…
Report Launch in Washington, DC
Forty-five experts and activists from the fields of governance and development met on November 7, 2013 for the Washington Launch of the 2013 State of Participatory Democracy Report. The event was held in the large conference room of InterAction, the Washington-based alliance of 180 international NGOs. I led the meeting, and was delighted to receive…
El Reporte del Estado de la Democracia Participativa 2013
Desde Tailandia hasta Brasil y Kenia , los países están acercando cada vez más su gobierno a la gente. Cada vez más se designan recursos públicos para la toma de decisiones a nivel local , y se invierte en el empoderamiento de los ciudadanos para que participen directamente en el establecimiento de prioridades y presupuestos…
Presentación del reporte 2013
NUEVA YORK – 24 de septiembre 2013: El primer Informe del Estado de Democracia Participativa fue lanzado esta tarde en una recepción con la participación del Sub-Secretario de Desarrollo Social y Humano de México Ernesto Nemer Álvarez, el Director Ejecutivo del Fondo para la Democracia de las Naciones Unidas Roland Rich, Mary Ellen McNish CEO…
Draft African Charter on the Principles and Values of Decentralization, Local Governance and Local Development
(Draft 1) (Downloaded from PREAMBLE We, Member States of the African Union (AU): Inspired by the vision of the African Union of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena; Guided by the objectives and principles enshrined in the Constitutive Act of the…
Our report cited on Huffington Post
On the occasion of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly, I have published this article on The Huffington Post – “All Politics are Local” (click here.) The articles were organized by InterAction, the alliance of 190 international relief and development organizations headquartered in the US. The article emphasizes the key role participatory local democracy…