Tag: institution building
The local government system in Pakistan : citizens perceptions and preferences : results from a National survey, November 2008
Abstract: This report presents the results of an opinion survey on citizens’ views of local government in Pakistan. It was carried out in October 2008, when all of the provinces in Pakistan were reviewing and reforming their local government systems to improve the delivery of services. Author(s): Arif, Shahzad Source(s): , IDG working paper; 2010-02…
International forestry resources and institutions
Abstract: The IFRI research initiative examines how governance arrangements affect forests and the people who depend on them. The IFRI network is comprised of 12 Collaborating Research Centers (CRCs) located around the globe. Our goal is to help design and implement improved evidence-based forest policies. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 International forestry resources and institutions…
Tanzania’s land law reform : the implementation challenge
Abstract: This working paper provides an overview of the impact on local land governance of the slow and uneven implementation of the 1999 land reform act in Tanzania. It focuses on the establishment of formal institutions for land administration and dispute settlement in rural areas. Author(s): Hundsbæk Pedersen, Rasmus Source(s): , DIIS working paper; 2010/37…
Learning from the south : participatory budgeting worldwide – an invitation to global cooperation
Abstract: An overview of participatory budgeting in the world is provided, with special chapters on Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Participatory budgeting is unique because it has evolved in countries of the Global South, but has now become an issue all around the world. Author(s): Sintomer, Yves; Wilhelm, Christian; Cochrane, John Source(s): , Dialog…
Gender and local governance in Pakistan : promoting participation through capacity building
Abstract: The participation of Pakistani women in local government is low. A comprehensive gender capacity building framework should be developed, based on capacity building and creating an enabling environment within the institutions. Author(s): Jabeen, Nasira; Zafar Iqbal, Muhammad Source(s): , South Asian studies : a research journal of south Asian studies; Vol. 25, No. 2…
Stekeholder dialogue as an institutional strategy for sustainable development in China : the case of community roundtables
Abstract: The potential of stakeholder dialogue as an institutional tool for sustainable development in China is discussed and hindrances to institutionalization are identified. At community roundtables issues are discussed by representatives from government, business and local residents. Author(s): Wang, Hua Source(s): , 33 p. Published: 2010 Chinese association for public affairs (CAPA), [Washington, DC (English…
The International association for the study of the commons : the leading professional association dedicated to the commons
Abstract: The IASC is a nonprofit association devoted to understanding and improving institutions for the management of resources that are (or could be) held or used collectively by communities in developing or developed countries. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 International association for the study of the commons (IASC), Mexico City (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.iasc-commons.org/
LDi : Local development international : promoting local development through local governments
Abstract: Local Development International (LDI), is an international development consulting company. It provides policy, technical, training, and management advisory services for the design and implementation of decentralization reforms and the development of local governance institutions. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 Local development international (LDi), Modena [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://locdev.org/
De-scaling without democratic substance : water provisioning in peripheral Kano, Nigeria
Abstract: The case of informal water supply near Kano, Nigeria, is used to highlight an expanding form of service provision in African cities and the democratic problems associated with it. Users are increasingly dependent on neo-traditional politics, rather than democratically controlled institutions. Author(s): Andrae, Gunilla Source(s): , Bulletin de l’APAD; 31-32 16 p., ill., tab…