Tag: natural resources policy
Understanding land investment deals in Africa
Abstract: What is disconcerting about the current large-scale land investments in Africa is the lack of transparency of the deals. The Oakland Institute is making available detailed information and documentation collected in the course of its research. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Oakland institute, Oakland, CA (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.oaklandinstitute.org/land-deals-africa
Governance in mining areas in Tanzania with special reference to land issues
Abstract: Significant disputes and conflicts have surfaced among stakeholders in gold mining in Tanzania, including artisanal, small and large miners, host communities and community-based organizations, as well as local and central government authorities. The different interests must be aligned. Author(s): Lugoe, Furaha Source(s): , ESRF discussion paper; 41 iv, 13 p ESRF discussion paper 41…
Abstract: FRAME is a peer-to-peer network of Natural Resource Management practitioners, facilitating knowledge transfer and relationships building, enabling members to grow best practices around development challenges. Author(s): USAID Source(s): , Published: 2011 United States agency for international development (USAID), [Washington, DC] (English; French; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.frameweb.org/
Small scale, large impacts : transforming central and west African forest industry and trade to improve sustainable development, growth and governance
Abstract: In many countries SMFEs make a significant contribution to local economies through the informal markets. The formalization of SMFEs provides an alternative to the failed public management of forests for industrial scale concessions or state-managed conservation. Author(s): Molnar, Augusta Source(s): , x, 37 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2010 Rights and resources initiative,…
Defining political community and rights to natural resources in Botswana
Abstract: In Botswana, the entangling of natural resource policy with identity politics contributed to a partial recentralization of CBNRM. Decentralization has been associated with democratization in that decentralized natural resource management is virtually equated with empowerment of local resource users. Author(s): Poteete, Amy R. Source(s): Development and change; 40(2009)2, p. 281-305 Development and change 40(2009)2…
The complexities of decentralization in a globalizing world
Abstract: The interplay of decentralization and globalization in affecting environmental outcomes and community welfare is analysed through a game-theoretic model of community-firm interactions. This will require a mix of policies, including secure property rights and poverty alleviation. Author(s): Engel, Stefanie; Palmer, Charles Source(s): , IED working paper; 8 18 p., ill IED working paper 8…
State building and local democracy in Benin : two cases of decentralised forest management
Abstract: The Benin decentralisation reform is outlined and issues of legitimacy, agency and power faced by local governments in forest resource management are discussed, using the cases of Lokoly and Toui-Kilibo. Author(s): Mongbo, Roch Source(s): , Conservation and society; vol. 6, no. 1 p. 49-61, ill Conservation and society vol. 6, no. 1 Published: 2008…
Public sector reforms in Africa and the quest for democratic developmentalism in Africa
Abstract: Subjects include: (1) pitfalls of decentralization reforms in Uganda (2) prospects for improved service delivery in Uganda (3) privatization of water and sanitation services in Kenya. Author(s): Edigheji, Omano Source(s): , Africa development; vol. 33, no. 4 (special issue) , ill., tabs Africa development vol. 33, no. 4 (special issue) Published: 2008 Council for…
Green governance : the case of Akassa community forests management and development plan
Abstract: This study of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria shows how environmental degradation associated with oil exploration has been shaped by corporate development strategy and how practice of devolution of powers over resource management reinforced the hegemony of the ruling class. Author(s): Joab-Peterside, Sofiri Source(s): , Niger delta economies of violence project working papers;…
Communities, livelihoods, and natural resources : action research and policy change in Asia
Abstract: By presenting field reports of innovative approaches to poverty reduction and sustainable resource use, it provides practitioners with models of good practice in participatory, community-based resource management and contributes to broader learning in NRM policy. Author(s): Tyler, Stephen R. Source(s): , [341] p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2006 International development research centre (IDRC)…