Tag: international co-operation
CAFRAD : African training and research centre in administration for development : Centre Africain de formation et de recherche administratives pour le développement
Abstract: The African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development (CAFRAD) is a Pan African international organization, which was established with the support of UNESCO in 1964. Author(s): CAFRAD Source(s): , Published: 2010 Centre Africain de formation et de recherche administratives pour le développement (CAFRAD), Tangier (English; French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.cafrad.org/index.html
Fifth annual meeting of Informal development partners working group on decentralization and local governance (DPWG-DLG), Washington, DC, June 9-11, 2010 : summary report and next steps
Abstract: Author(s): Aoki, Naomi; Viñuela, Lorena Source(s): , 23 p., ill. Published: 2010 World bank [etc.], Washington, DC [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTDSRE/Resources/DPWG_Summary_081510.pdf
Changing international perspectives on decentralization : international agencies and options for Pakistan
Abstract: The history and trends in the normative and positive traditions with regard to decentralization are reviewed, international experiences are examined, and the challenges that Pakistan will have to face in order to become a fully functional and prosperous federation are identified. Author(s): Ahmad, Ehtisham Source(s): , 35 p., ill., tab Published: 2010 London school…
Citynet : the regional network of local authorities for the management of human settlements
Abstract: CITYNET (The Regional Network of Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements) is a Network committed to helping local authorities improve the lives of its citizens and create the urban sustainability across Asia-Pacific and beyond. RDLG/22/634 Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2009 Citynet, Yokohama (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.citynet-ap.org/
UCLG position paper on aid effectiveness and local government : understanding the link between governance and development : including the support paper and a compilation of case studies
Abstract: Local and regional governments should be acknowledged as development partners occupying an equitable place in the international Aid Effectiveness debates. The Paris Declaration aid effectiveness principles do not fully address local level development. Author(s): UCLG Source(s): , 65 p., ill. Published: 2009 United cities and local governments (UCLG), Barcelona (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.cities-localgovernments.org/upload/doc_publications/9243688416_%28EN%29_uclgpositionpaperen.pdf
The effectiveness of the state, intergovernmental relations, and the success or failure of the international strategy in Afghanistan
Abstract: The characteristics of the current intergovernmental system and the burden on the delivery of citizen-focused services in Afghanistan are described. Suggestions for steps that donors can take to address the paradox of having excessive central control in a weak state are suggested. Author(s): Boex, Jamie; Cadwell, Charles Source(s): , Policy brief / Urban institute…
The state of local economic development in Mozambique
Abstract: The main delivery vehicles for local economic development in Mozambique are described, the most prominent one being that of the Local Economic Development Agencies. In addition, a wide range of internationally funded projects promote local entrepreneurship and market linkages. Author(s): Penninkhoff, Petra Source(s): , vi, 67 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2009 Royal tropical…
Strategic priorities 2010-2016
Abstract: This strategy document outlines the objectives, including: (1) the promotion of local and regional self-government; (2) sharing know-how and information; and (3) promoting decentralized cooperation and international cooperation between local governments and their associations. Author(s): UCLG Source(s): , 17 p., ill. Published: 2009 United cities and local governments (UCLG), [Barcelona etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
International twinning and partnership for development
Abstract: This website on local government twinning and partnerships for development provides information to help local authorities from Europe and from the South to find a partner with a view to alleviate poverty and improve the quality of administrative and public services. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2008 Council of European municipalities and regions (CEMR), Paris…
UCLG policy paper on local finance : including the UCLG support paper
Abstract: Local finance is instrumental in any decentralization process and therefore a priority for UCLG. The relationships between local governments, multilateral organizations and national governments in relation to decentralization are outlined. Author(s): UCLG Source(s): , 70 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2008 United cities and local governments (UCLG), Barcelona (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.cities-localgovernments.org/upload/doc_publications/93766881510_%28EN%29_uclgpolicypaperonlocalfinanceeng2.pdf