Tag: project monitoring
Corruption is not an option : accountability is a must!
Abstract: Website that provides information on programmes, standards, and training events to fight corruption and strive for full accountability, partnership, and participation in all activities, especially in Sierra Leone. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 Accountability alert Sierra Leone (AA SL), Freetown (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.aalert.org/home.html
PREVAL monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) for rural development
Abstract: PREVAL is a global platform working with (national and local) government institutions, project technical units, and rural organisations to build and strengthen capacity to develop and implement Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation systems to produce information for decision making and learning. Author(s): PREVAL Source(s): , Published: 2009 PREVAL, Lima (English; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://preval.org/en
Tracking local development in west Africa : a holistic and participatory approach
Abstract: In this video the methodology of the Participatory Development Assessment research project is introduced, which aims to improve the evaluation of development interventions in Africa. The video contains an interview supported with images from the field (Northern Ghana and Southern Burkina Faso). Author(s): Geest, Kees Van Der Source(s): , 10:26 min., ill. Published: 2009…
Project planning and implementation at the local government level : lessons of experience
Abstract: Several factors contribute to the failure of local government projects in making appreciable impacts. The most serious ones have to do with institutional instability and policies working at cross purposes. The paper identifies 6 policy areas in rectifying the failings. Author(s): Oladipo, Jimoh A. Source(s): , European journal of social sciences; Vol. 6, No.…
A users’ guide to measuring local governance
Abstract: This guide is intended to respond to an increasing demand for guidance on the multiplicity of tools and methods that are being used to measure, assess and monitor governance at the local level. The guide has also been translated to French and Spanish. Author(s): Wilde, Alexandra; Nahem, Joachim Source(s): , vi, 149 p., ill.,…
Participatory monitoring and evaluation : a process to support governance and empowerment at the local level : a guidance paper
Abstract: The potential benefits of participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) for local governance for key actors and multi-stakeholder processes are discussed and operational guidelines for introducing PM&E are outlined. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Guijt, Irene Source(s): , iv, 54 p., ill., tabs Published: 2006 Royal tropical institute (KIT) : for World bank, Amsterdam (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) with pastoralists : a review of experiences and annotated bibliography
Abstract: This report reviews documented experiences, including “grey” literature, on participatory monitoring and evaluation with pastoralists and other livestock-keepers. It is divided into an analytical assessment and an annotated bibliography. Key websites for further information are given in an annex. Author(s): Bayer, Wolfgang; Waters-Bayer, Ann Source(s): , xiv, 89 p., ill., tabs Published: 2002 Deutsche…
Decentralization and democratic local governance programming handbook
Abstract: This handbook serves as a practical guide to USAID officers who are faced with the task of developing program activities in the areas of decentralization and democratic local governance. It provides a conceptual framework and guidance for choosing successful programming strategies. Author(s): Bland, Gary Source(s): , Technical publication series 70 p., ill., tabs Technical…