Tag: guidelines
ILS LEDA : International links and services for local economic development agencies : for human, fair and sustainable development
Abstract: ILS LEDA is a Eurada program which supports local, national and international organizations to enhance local economies. It is considered an effective international organizations in dealing with Local Economic Development Agencies (LEDA). It disseminates tools for LEDA management and operation. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2013 International links and services for local economic development agencies…
A toolkit for best practices in school governance : Idasa’s Right to know, right to education project
Abstract: This toolkit provides a set of easy-to-follow steps, concepts and guidelines to help local communities to focus and understand Best Practices in Schools and Governing Bodies to meet basic standards. It is a generic guide that is adaptable to different situations, countries and systems. Author(s): IDASA Source(s): , 24 p,, ill., tabs Published: 2012…
Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security : from finding common ground to making it happen
Abstract: The FAO has been preparing voluntary guidelines to improve the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests worldwide. They are based on principles, such as the respect and recognition of all legitimate tenure right holders and their rights and the provision of access to justice. Author(s): Wehrmann, Babette; Arial, Anni; Romano, Francesca Source(s):…
Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security
Abstract: These voluntary guidelines assist in improving the governance of tenure, and thus contribute to alleviating hunger and poverty, empowering the poor and vulnerable, enhancing the environment, supporting national and local economic development, and reforming public administration. Author(s): FAO Source(s): , vi, 40 p., 25 cm Published: 2012 Food and agriculture organization of the United…
Why Gender Matters : Ten Ways Local Government can Advance Gender Equity : Fact Sheet
Abstract: The fact sheets, “Ten ways local government can advance gender equity“, are part of a resource package designed to build the capacity for local governments to consider gender equity in their planning, policy and service delivery. The fact sheets include practical information and practice examples of ways local government can advance gender equity for…
Central and local governments as land regulators, owners and managers : who is doing what?
Abstract: This practice-oriented paper reviews typical issues and challenges of the imperfect distribution of roles between the central and local governments. The paper also outlines better methods to respond to some these challenges. The key provisions to stipulate in national laws are annexed. Author(s): Kaganova, Olga Source(s): , 32 p., ill., tabs Published: 2012 World…
Theories of change in anti-corruption work : a tool for programme design and evaluation
Abstract: A theory of change methodology is proposed as a valuable tool for designing, implementing, and evaluating anti-corruption reforms. General and sector-specific guidance is provided based on case studies in three areas: anti-corruption authorities, civil society work, and public sector reforms. Author(s): Johnsøn, Jesper Source(s): , U4 Issue; 2012:6 iv, 42 p., ill U4 Issue…
Emerging lessons from MCC/MCA-sponsored initiatives to formalize customary land rights and local land management practices in Benin, Burkina Faso and Senegal : paper
Abstract: MCA projects in Benin, Burkina Faso, and Senegal have achieved considerable success in achieving targets for formalizing customary land rights in the form of mapping, land charters, and identifying land allocation preferences. The experiences resulted in a checklist of common challenges. Author(s): Elbow, Kent Source(s): , 27 p. Published: 2012 World bank], [Washington, DC…
Resource development on customary land : managing the complexity through a pro-development compensation solution
Abstract: International valuation standards for potential solutions to land compensation are compared to formulate an equitable, hybrid model for possible use in Melanesia. In practice, because consensus is hard to reach, the proposed model is inherently time consuming. Author(s): Boydell, Spike; Baya, Ulai Source(s): , 28 p., ill., maps, tabs Published: 2012 World bank, Washington,…
Participants’ kit : harmonisation, decentralisation and local governance : prepared on behalf of the informal Development partners working group on local governance and decentralisation (DPWG-LGD)
Abstract: This training kit gives an overview of the state-of-the-art knowledge on harmonization, decentralization and local governance that are essential for understanding how local governance and decentralisation processes can be designed, supported and monitored in a harmonised manner. Author(s): Loquai, Christiane Source(s): , 156 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Train4dev.net, [Wageningen] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…