Why Gender Matters : Ten Ways Local Government can Advance Gender Equity : Fact Sheet

Why gender mattersAbstract: The fact sheets, “Ten ways local government can advance gender equity“, are part of a resource package designed to build the capacity for local governments to consider gender equity in their planning, policy and service delivery.

The fact sheets include practical information and practice examples of ways local government can advance gender equity for women.
The ten fact sheets are:

  1. Why gender matters
  2. Gender analysis
  3. Infrastructure
  4. Land use planning and design
  5. Promoting women in leadership
  6. Workplaces
  7. Sports and recreation
  8. Access to services
  9. Key concepts and definitions
  10. Further resources

Author: Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF)

Source: 20p

Published: 2012 CLGF, London, English

Download PDF: http://www.clgf.org.uk/images/campaign/64/file/COY1702%20GE%20FactSheets_x10_v4.pdf

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