Tag: Asia
The rise of local governments : an overview
Abstract: In this introduction to Decentralization and local governance in developing countries : a comparative perspective possible reasons for local governance to fail are examined. The focus is on decentralization of political authority to local governments at a level lower than states or provinces. Author(s): Bardhan, Pranab; Mookherjee, Dilip Source(s): Decentralization and local governance in…
Communities, livelihoods, and natural resources : action research and policy change in Asia
Abstract: By presenting field reports of innovative approaches to poverty reduction and sustainable resource use, it provides practitioners with models of good practice in participatory, community-based resource management and contributes to broader learning in NRM policy. Author(s): Tyler, Stephen R. Source(s): , [341] p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2006 International development research centre (IDRC)…
Devolution of resource rights, poverty, and natural resource management : a review
Abstract: This paper explores the impact, success factors and emerging challenges of decentralized natural resource management. These issues are looked at in relation to community-based wildlife management, irrigation management transfer, and community forestry. Author(s): Shyamsundar, Priya; Araral, Eduardo; Weeraratne, Suranjan Source(s): , Environmental economics series; 104 xi, 109 p., ill., tabs Environmental economics series 104…
Representation in decentralized governance and local service delivery for MDGs : regional retreat : retreat report
Abstract: In May 2005 a regional workshop was held in Hua Hin, Thailand, to discuss approaches to ensure inclusion of women, youth, ethic minorities and disadvantaged groups in local government as well as the role of traditional representation. Author(s): UNDP; UNCDF Source(s): , 25 p., ill., tabs Published: 2005 United nations development programme] (UNDP) [etc.,…
UNCDF local development : investing in pro-poor infrastructure and services
Abstract: The UNCDF local development programme supports projects for sustainable development and poverty reduction especially in rural areas of least developed countries, destilling and disseminating policy lessons, and providing technical advisory services. Author(s): UNCDF Source(s): , Published: 2004 United nations capital development fund (UNCDF), [New York, NY] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.uncdf.org/english/local_development/
Decentralisation and poverty in developing countries : exploring the impact
Abstract: There is no unambiguous link between decentralization and poverty reduction, but the poverty impact of decentralization would appear to depend less on the physical country setting than on the capacity and willingness of policy makers to ensure a pro-poor devolution process. Author(s): Jütting, Johannes Source(s): , Working paper / OECD development centre; 236 52…
Democratic decentralisation and poverty reduction : exploring the linkages
Abstract: This article explores the nature of linkages between democracy, decentralization and poverty reduction. Through a literature review it examines the problems and constraints on the impact of democratic decentralization on poverty reduction. Country cases synthesize possible preconditions for success. Author(s): Vedeld, Trond Source(s): Forum for development studies; (2003)2, p. 159-203, ill., tabs Forum for…
A needs assessment mission report on capacity development in local governance : Africa-Asia co-operation
Abstract: In support of the efforts of countries in Africa and Asia in meeting the challenges of decentralized governance, a needs assessment study mission was conducted to: assess the need for capacity development in local governance; and identify training and research institutions for future collaboration. Author(s): Kumssa, Asfaw; Edralin, Josefa; Oyugi, Walter O. Source(s): ,…