Tag: bureaucracy
Role of Panchayati Raj institutions in grassroot planning : some issues and concerns
Abstract: This paper argues that planning under the Panchayati Raj institutions (PRI) was not much of a success because decentralization did not go far enough. PRI operations were severely restricted in local planning due to: (1) inexperience; (2) bureaucracy; (3) no financial powers; (4) state dominance. Author(s): Bhuiyan, Dasarathi Source(s): , Odisha review; [Vol. 69,…
What is governance?
Abstract: Four approaches to improve measuring the quality of bureaucracies are described: (1) procedural measures; (2) capacity measures; (3) output measures; and (4) measures bureaucratic autonomy. The reasons why low-income countries are advised to reduce bureaucratic autonomy are also explained. Author(s): Fukuyama, Francis Source(s): , Working paper / Center for global development; 314 18 p.,…
A comparative analysis of the system of intergovernmental relations in Botswana and South Africa : the dynamics of a two-tier system versus a three-tier system
Abstract: In both South Africa and Botswana, local government is the most disadvantaged sphere of government. Although designed for efficiency, effectiveness and cooperation, all configurations have problems of ambiguity in governmental authority, as well as counterproductive friction, duplication and waste. Author(s): Dipholo, Kenneth; Gumede, Nyawo Source(s): , Journal of African & Asian local government studies…
Once upon a time, local democracy
Abstract: This amusing video was produced by the Council of Europe’s Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform as part of its programme to strengthen local and regional government capacity in Ukraine. Author(s): CE Source(s): , 3:38 min. Published: 2012 Council of Europe, [Strasbourg etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TBOGhA9hdI
The political economy of decentralization in Thailand : does decentralization allow for peasant participation? : paper
Abstract: The apparent interdependence of decentralisation and smallholder participation is studied, using the case of the Tambon Administration Organisation in Thailand. Since 1990, decentralization and recentralization have alternated. Elite capture and the bureaucracy prevented effective particaption. Author(s): Dufhues, Thomas Source(s): , 12 p., ill. Published: 2011 University of Minnesota. Waite library. AgEcon search], [St. Paul,…
Repertoires of domination : decentralization as process in Botswana and Senegal
Abstract: The concept of “repertoires of domination” is used to describe the many tactics government ocials and non-state actors use to limit meaningful shifts of authority associated with decentralization related to wildlife management in Botswana and forestry management in Senegal. Author(s): Poteete, Amy R.; Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , World development; Vol. 39, No. 3…
Managing project team in local government
Abstract: The need for good project management and team management to achieve local government goals is discussed with special reference to Nigeria. Project teams can avoid bureaucratization, muster the necessary expertise, apply cost-benefit analysis, and use management by objectives. Author(s): Amujiri, B.A. Source(s): , [Journal of religion and human relations; Vol. 1, No. 3] p.…
South African governance in review : anti-corruption, local government, traditional leadership
Abstract: The following three issues are discussed: public sector anti-corruption, local government restructuring, and traditional leadership and governance. Key measures by the South-African government to combat corruption are reviewed and administrative and legal weaknesses that remain are highlighted. Author(s): Jackson, Paula Source(s): , ix, 53 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2009 HSRC press, Cape Town…
The challenges of decentralisation design in Cambodia
Abstract: Since 2001, Cambodia has embarked on its decentralization reform but a number of challenges remain, including the risk of bureaucratization, lack of accountability, the lack of linkage between decentralization and deconcentration, and the lack of capacity building and peer learning between communes. Author(s): Rusten, Caroline Source(s): , Monograph / Cambodia development resource institute; 1…