Tag: accountability
An Analytical Framework for Assessing Decentralized Local Governance and the Local Sector
How do we assess the public sector with regard to decentralization, intergovernmental relations, and the role of the local public sector? To answer the question, the paper from the Urban Institute Centre on International Development and Governance (IDG) (2010) proposes a comparative decentralization assessment for rapidly assessing a country’s local public sector, including its political-administrative…
Decentralization and popular democracy : governance from below in Bolivia
Abstract: This website provides access to the chapter summaries, primary data, and the full Spanish translation of Faguet’s book on Decentralization and Popular Democracy, which examines the long-term effect of decentralization on democracy, public services, and accountability, using the case of Bolivia. Author(s): LSE Source(s): , Published: 2013 London school of economics and political science…
The Hague academy for local governance : training programme 2013
Abstract: The Hague Academy for Local Governance offers open enrolment courses, tailor-made training programmes, study visits and masterclasses on participation, accountability, fiscal issues, local economic development, peacebuilding, (female) leadership, climate change, and water governance. Author(s): Klokke, Rebke; Hague Academy For Local Governance Source(s): , 32 p., ill. Published: 2013 The Hague academy for local governance,…
Building governance into a post-2015 framework : exploring transparency and accountability as an entry point
Abstract: The possibility of a stand-alone goal on (local) governance for the post-2015 agenda is considered. It would be the most ambitious but also the most politically challenging option of the two, the other one being to strengthen transparency and governance in support of post-2015 development efforts. Author(s): Bergh, Gina Source(s): , 13 p. Published:…
UCLG-MEWA : United cities and local governments Middle East and west Asia section
Abstract: UCLG-MEWA continues its activities for cities and local governments in the region, serving the main principles of democracy, human rights, local self-government, international solidarity, accountability and transparency, and sustainable development. Author(s): UCLG Source(s): , Published: 2012 United cities and local governments Middle East and west Asia section (UCLG-MEWA), Istanbul (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.uclg-mewa.org/
Development as a collective action problem : addressing the real challenges of African governance : synthesis report
Abstract: Experiences with local justice in Ghana and education reform in the Sahel show that development is best seen as a multi-layered collective action problem. Development assistance should be designed so as to support local problem-solving and adapting state programmes to local values and preferences. Author(s): Booth, David Source(s): , xi, 117 p., ill., graphs…
Tax me, but spend wisely : public finance and government accountability
Abstract: This paper shows that local governments are more accountable when a larger fraction of their resources comes from local taxes. Moreover extra transfer revenues lead to more corruption, extra tax revenues do not. Author(s): Gadenne, Lucie Source(s): , 62 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2012 American economic association (AEA)], [Nashville, TN (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Mobile technologies and empowerment : enhancing human development through participation and innovation
Abstract: By looking at basic concepts, current trends and real life examples, this primer shows how development practitioners can harness the potential of mobile technologies to improve human development outputs and public services at the local and country level, especially for poor, rural people. Author(s): Zambrano, Raúl; Seward, Ruhiya Kristine Source(s): , 55 p., ill.,…
The World bank and the globalization of participatory budgeting
Abstract: The debate on the World Bank’s role in the promotion of participatory budgeting (PB) has mostly been an ideological one. This article address the issue. It makes six main points, including that PB’s effects having strong potential to be positive, the Bank’s role in promoting PB should be encouraged. Author(s): Goldfrank, Benjamin Source(s): ,…
The land governance assessment framework : identifying and monitoring good practice in the land sector
Abstract: The framework (LGAF) provides guidance to diagnose and benchmark land governance. If land institutions function properly, land taxation provides a simple yet efficient tool to increase effective decentralization and to foster local government accountability. Author(s): Deininger, Klaus W.; Selod, Harris; Burns, Anthony F. Source(s): , Agriculture and rural development xvi, 147 p., ill., tabs…