Tag: Public administration
PREMnotes : from the Poverty Reduction and Economic Network / World Bank
Abstract: The PREM (Poverty Reduction and Economic Management) note series is intended to summarize good practice and key policy findings on Economic Policy, Gender, Governance and Public Sector Reform and Poverty. Author(s): World Bank Published: World Bank, Washington, DC Link: http://www1.worldbank.org/prem/
The Impact of Decentralization
While decentralization is considered as a good way to reform the public sector in developing countries, there are opponents who argue that it has even negative or inconclusive impacts. In CESinfo DICE report 2004, the paper titled “The Impact of Decentralization on Service Delivery, Corruption, Fiscal Management and Growth in Developing and Emerging Market Economies:…
What’s in a right? : the liberalisation of gold mining and decentralisation in Burkina Faso
Abstract: In Burkina Faso, municipal governments have become strategic actors for the arbitration of mining claims. Since their role and responsibilities are not defined within the Mining Code, a playing field for clientelist relations has opened up. Author(s): Côte, Muriel Source(s): , LDPI working paper; 25 20 p., ill., tab LDPI working paper 25 Published:…
A comparative analysis of the system of intergovernmental relations in Botswana and South Africa : the dynamics of a two-tier system versus a three-tier system
Abstract: In both South Africa and Botswana, local government is the most disadvantaged sphere of government. Although designed for efficiency, effectiveness and cooperation, all configurations have problems of ambiguity in governmental authority, as well as counterproductive friction, duplication and waste. Author(s): Dipholo, Kenneth; Gumede, Nyawo Source(s): , Journal of African & Asian local government studies…
Local government autonomy and its effectiveness in Nigeria
Abstract: In Nigeria, federal and state governments maintained great level of influence and control over local authorities. As a result of this the LG effectiveness and performances were largely hindered. The paper lays down some suggestions for reform strategies as a corrective measure. Author(s): Ahmad, Abdullahi Ayoade Source(s): , Journal of African & Asian local…
Administratio publica : editions
Abstract: Administratio Publica is a quarterly journal. The aim of the journal is to promote academic scholarship in Public Administration and Management and related fields. It is produced by the Association of Southern African Schools and Departments of Public Administration and Management (ASSADPAM). Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2013 Association of southern African schools and departments…
What is governance?
Abstract: Four approaches to improve measuring the quality of bureaucracies are described: (1) procedural measures; (2) capacity measures; (3) output measures; and (4) measures bureaucratic autonomy. The reasons why low-income countries are advised to reduce bureaucratic autonomy are also explained. Author(s): Fukuyama, Francis Source(s): , Working paper / Center for global development; 314 18 p.,…
Central and local governments as land regulators, owners and managers : who is doing what?
Abstract: This practice-oriented paper reviews typical issues and challenges of the imperfect distribution of roles between the central and local governments. The paper also outlines better methods to respond to some these challenges. The key provisions to stipulate in national laws are annexed. Author(s): Kaganova, Olga Source(s): , 32 p., ill., tabs Published: 2012 World…
Dimension of decentralization process and rural local government in India : a comparison with Bangladesh
Abstract: Lessons are learned from the decentralization process at the middle-tier of rural administration in India for possible adoption by the middle-tier (Upazila Parzlrhad) in Bangladesh. In India, the three tiers of rural administration are cooperative, because roles and functions are clearly specified. Author(s): Islam, Md. Taufiqul; Fujita, Koichi Source(s): , Kyoto working papers on…