Tag: community participation
Decentralization, politics, and environment in Uganda
Abstract: The main environmental issues in the decentralization reforms of Uganda with regard to natural resources management (NRM) are identified, including the lack of devolution of powers over NRM and the failure of local governments to exercise their limited powers. Author(s): Bazaara, Nyangabyaki Source(s): , Environmental governance in Africa working paper series; 7 iv, 39…
Devolution as a threat to democratic decision-making in forestry? : findings from three states in India
Abstract: The conflict between the state devolution policy of Joint Forest Management and the exercise of democratic local control over forest management in India is examined with regard to livelihood and forest quality improvement. Author(s): Sarin, Madhu; Singh, Neera M.; Sundar, Nandini; Bhogal, Ranu K. Source(s): , Working paper / Overseas development institute (ODI); 197…
The politics of decentralisation and donor funding in South Africa’s rural water sector
Abstract: This study of the impact of donors on decentralization in South Africa shows that decentralization has taken a state-centric form. Western donors failed to promote a more inclusive community-oriented form of decentralization. Author(s): Galvin, Mary; Habib, Adam Source(s): , Journal of Southern African studies; vol. 29, no. 4 p. 865-884 Journal of Southern African…
Enhancing women’s participation : learning from field experience
Abstract: This book is intended to help enhance the participation of women in Kecamatan Development Program (KDP) and other community driven development programs, using village and kecamatan facilitators KDP is a Government of Indonesia program aimed at alleviating poverty and improving local governance. Author(s): Guggenheim, Scott E.; Diprose, Rachael; Stokes, Kristen Source(s): , vi, 29…
Managing natural resources for sustainable livelihoods : uniting science and praticipation
Abstract: Shows how management of local resources can be done best by the local community for the local community. Presents successful new approaches to collective decision-making and principles of good practice. Covers common property, protected areas, forests, soil and water management. Author(s): Pound, Barry Source(s): , xx, 252 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2003 Earthscan…
Participating or taking control? : an experience in rural planning from Mali
Abstract: This paper describes the steps taken in a project in rural Mali in order to help the Rural Council to consult and engage with their constituents and to apply the concept of social inclusion. It describes the lessons learned from facilitating this iterative, process-led approach. Author(s): Diakité, Mamadou Source(s): PLA notes; (2002)44, p. 23-27,…
Local government and participation
Abstract: The use of participatory learning and action (PLA) by local governments are discussed. One topic is how participation could be used to influence new styles of leadership that are more transparent and accountable. Author(s): Inglis, Andy Source(s): , PLA notes; 44 88 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs, 30 cm PLA notes 44 Published: 2002…
Potential for conflict : community forestry and decentralisation legislation in Nepal
Abstract: Contradictions and conflicts in the Nepalese legislation regarding decentralization and the devolution of powers to local communities over forest resources are analysed. There is a need for more consultation between forest user groups and local, elected institutions. Author(s): Belbase, Narayan; Regmi, Dhrubesh Chandra Source(s): , Talking points; 1/02 38 p., ill., tabs, 25 cm…
Environment, livelihoods and local institutions : decentralization in mainland Southeast Asia
Abstract: This report provides an overview of the decentralization of natural resources decision-making and management in mainland Southeast Asia during the past 20 years. Based on seven case studies, the report analyzes the implications of these reforms for upland ecosystems and livelihoods. Author(s): Dupar, Mairi; Badenoch, Nathan; Dang Thanh, Ha Source(s): , v, 77 p.,…
Community-based natural resources management : experiences and lessons linking communities to sustainable resource use in different social, economic and ecological conditions in South Africa
Abstract: Lessons are drawn from the TRANSFORM project in South Africa. TRANSFORM helps communities living in or near Kruger Park to develop viable ways of enhancing their livelihoods through community-based nature conservation and ecotourism. Author(s): Turner, Stephen; Collins, Steve; Baumgart, Johannes Source(s): , Research report / Programme for land and agarian studies, School of government,…