Tag: legitimacy of governments
Local governance and decentralization
Abstract: This section of the Governance Assessment Portal (GAP) of the UNDP provides resources on local governance assessment. Local governance indicators may inform local policy and strengthen local accountability. Author(s): UNDP Source(s): , Published: 2010 United nations development programme (UNDP), New York, NY [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.gaportal.org/areas-of-governance/local-governance-and-decentralization
Building trust in government : innovations in governance reform in Asia
Abstract: Within the framework of democratic governance, decentralization and local autonomy are crucial in fostering more participatory governance and enhancing trust in government. Decentralization contributes to the empowerment of local communities and trust in government at all levels. Author(s): Cheema, G. Shabbir; Popovski, Vesselin Source(s): , Trends and innovations in governance series xv, 260 p.,…
Public administration : local government and decentralization in Ghana : review
Abstract: This paper makes a case for local government elections at district and regional level and recommends constitutional amendments to allow locals to elect their own public officials as an alternative to the current appointment practices by the central government of Ghana. Author(s): Antwi-Boasiako, Kwame Badu Source(s): , Journal of African studies and development; Vol.…
Authority over forests : empowerment and subordination in Senegal’s democratic decentralization
Abstract: Despite progressive new laws that transfer forest rights to rural councils, the Forest Service in Senegal continue to allocate access to lucrative forest opportunities to charcoal merchants. As a result, the councils cannot represent their populations and therefore cannot gain legitimacy. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): Development and change; 40(2009)1, p. 105-129 Development and…
Local governance reforms in Zambia : a review
Abstract: The efforts of successive Zambian governments to transform and institutionalize democratic local governance are reviewed. The failure to fully empower local authorities undermines their effectiveness and legitimacy. Author(s): Chikulo, Bornwell Source(s): , Commonwealth journal of local governance (CJLG); 2 p. 98-106, ill Commonwealth journal of local governance (CJLG) 2 Published: 2009 University of technology…
Governance matters 2009 : worldwide governance indicators, 1996-2008
Abstract: This website reports governance indicators for 212 countries and territories on: voice and accountability, political stability and absence of violence, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, and corruption control. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2009 World bank group, [Washington, DC] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://info.worldbank.org/governance/wgi/index.asp
Topic guide on decentralisation and local government
Abstract: This guide gives guidance for designing, implementing and evaluating decentralization reforms and local government (DLG) practices to ensure they are as effective as possible. It offers debates on the impact of DLG on poverty reduction, service delivery and conflict and links to research and cases. Author(s): Scott, Zoë Source(s): , 209 p. Published: 2009…