Tag: development policy
Briefing note on mainstreaming gender equality in decentralisation, public administration reform and local development
Abstract: This brief concept focuses on mainstreaming gender equality in three processes: decentralization; public administration reform; and local development. The note aims to complement the information on mainstreaming gender equality provided in the existing Handbook on Good Governance (EC 2003) Author(s): Hailé, Jane Source(s): , [27] p. Published: 2006 European commission, [Brussels] (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Assessing the merits of decentralization as a conflict mitigation strategy
Abstract: Case studies from Colombia, Ghana, the Philippines, and Uganda illustrate the complex effects of decentralization on conflict stabilization. Decentralization supportive of higher local government expenditures, employment, and elected leaders have been less likely to succumb to ethnic conflict. Author(s): Siegle, Joseph; O’Mahony, Patrick Source(s): , 72 p., ill., tabs Published: 2006 Pennsylvania state university.…
Developmental local government : a case study of South Africa
Abstract: The author proposes a model for capturing the developmental role of local government in institutional arrangements. The model is not only based on development theories, but is also tested in practice. An overview of the South African design for local government is provided. Author(s): Visser, Jacobus Wilhelm De Source(s): , xix, 313 p., 24…
Institutional change and its impact on the poor and excluded : the Indian decentralisation experience
Abstract: The impact of decentralization in India on poverty reduction is far from straightforward. It depends on overall policy commitment and the capacity of societies to mobilize themselves empowered by schooling, newspaper readership, and self-help participation. Author(s): Narayana, D. Source(s): , Working paper / OECD development centre; 242 73 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Working…
Decentralisation in conflict and post-conflict situations
Abstract: This paper reviews the literature on decentralization in multiethnic states with the Author(s): Schou, Arild; Haug, Marit Source(s): , Working paper / NIBR; 139 42 p Working paper / NIBR 139 Published: 2005 Norwegian institute for urban and regional research (NIBR), Oslo (English ISBN/ISSN: 82-7071-588-3/0809-6929 Link: http://www.nibr.no/filer/2005-139.pdf
Decentralization : poverty reduction, empowerment and participation (unedited version)
Abstract: Author(s): Collado, Cristino M. Source(s): , Economic & social affairs 184 p., ill., graphs, tabs Economic & social affairs Published: 2005 United nations (UN). Department of economic and social affairs (DESA), New York, NY (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/un/unpan021964.pdf
Lessons learned on the use of power and drivers of change analyses in development co-operation : review commissioned by the OECD DAC network on governance (GOVNET) : final report
Abstract: Power and DOC analysis addresses the traditional donor problem of ‘political will’ and its impact on national policies and development processes that promote accountability, participation, transparency, equality in dignity and rights of the poor and marginalized groups. Author(s): Dahl-Østergaard, Tom Source(s): , 42 p., ill., tabs Published: 2005 Organisation for economic co-operation and development…
Decentralisation in Mali : putting policy into practice
Abstract: This bulletin describes the rationale for and foundations of decentralisation in Mali, the institutional support arrangements and the first achievements of the process at local level, as well as the issues and challenges arising from this process. Author(s): Diarra, Souleymane; Lubbock, Jean Source(s): , Bulletin / Royal tropical institute; 362Decentralisation and local governance 78…
Decentralisation and poverty in developing countries : exploring the impact
Abstract: There is no unambiguous link between decentralization and poverty reduction, but the poverty impact of decentralization would appear to depend less on the physical country setting than on the capacity and willingness of policy makers to ensure a pro-poor devolution process. Author(s): Jütting, Johannes Source(s): , Working paper / OECD development centre; 236 52…
Applying the comprehensive LED approach : the case of Mozambique
Abstract: This case study from Mozambique shows how the Local Economic Development (LED) Approach can be implemented in post-conflict situations. It also provides a step-by-step account of the creation of a Local Economic Development Agency (LEDA) and proposes recommendations for future policy orientations. Author(s): Boekel, Geert Van; Logtestijn, Majon Van Source(s): , vii, 51 p.,…