Tag: gender
PREMnotes : from the Poverty Reduction and Economic Network / World Bank
Abstract: The PREM (Poverty Reduction and Economic Management) note series is intended to summarize good practice and key policy findings on Economic Policy, Gender, Governance and Public Sector Reform and Poverty. Author(s): World Bank Published: World Bank, Washington, DC Link: http://www1.worldbank.org/prem/
Engendering livelihoods through decentralisation in Tanzania
Abstract: The underlying drivers of gender inequalities in resource access and control in the Pangani river basin in Tanzania include poor linkage between political and sectoral decentralization. The engendering livelihood model is proposed as an alternative and options are discussed. Author(s): Olemako, T.R.; Munishi, P.K.T.; Kadigi, R.M.J. Source(s): , Development review : beyond research; Vol.…
Managing informality : local government practices and approaches towards the informal economy : learning examples from five African countries
Abstract: This report presents six case studies from across different African countries – including Kenya, Mali, Rwanda, South Africa and Tanzania – featuring local governments’ utilization of innovative approaches to better manage the informal economy or sector thereof in their localities. Author(s): David, Susanne Source(s): , 97 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2012 South African…
Women in search of citizenship : experiences from West Africa
Abstract: This book provides insights into what gender inclusive citizenship means as a practice, what can be achieved when it is promoted and what role participatory action research can play. It shares the experiences of women in local communities devising ways to exercise their citizenship. Author(s): Imam, Ayesha; Kamminga, Evelien Source(s): , 127 p., ill.,…
Pro-poor service delivery : introduction
Abstract: This introduction includes resources on making service delivery pro-poor and managing service delivery reform to improve effectiveness and accessibility. Subjects include: public service reform; decentralisation; equity of access; and gender and service delivery. Author(s): GSDRC Source(s): , 1 file, ill. Published: 2012 University of Birmingham. Governance and social development resource centre (GSDRC), Birmingham (English…
Decentralization, local development and women’s empowerment : innovating knowledge and practice
Abstract: Decentralization and local development have opened spaces that women are occupying increasingly. In this process, women are empowered socially, economically and politically and contribute to transform these new spaces in vital ways. Author(s): Swartz, Sara Source(s): , Universitas forum : journal on human development and international cooperation; Vol. 3, No. 1 1 file, ill…
Bringing land rights to grassroots women : creating awareness on socio-legal rights in west Midnapore district of West Bengal, India
Abstract: This video and case study present a project in West Bengal, India, aimed at developing strong socio-legal awareness on land-rights and a sense of gender justice among 300 women from tribal and under-developed rural families. Author(s): Roy, Saswati Source(s): , Universitas forum : journal on human development and international cooperation; Vol. 3, No. 1…
Resettlement and gender dimensions of land rights in post-conflict northern Uganda
Abstract: The effect of displacement and resettlement of households on gender-differentiated access to land and land investments in northern Uganda is examined. Even low levels of land conflict undermine land governance and management, constrain productivity, and serve as a source of persistent violence. Author(s): Adelman, Sarah Source(s): , 25 p., ill., tabs preliminary and incomplete…
Enhancing inclusiveness of Rwanda’s land tenure regularization program : initial impacts of an awareness raising pilot
Abstract: A gender-sensitive research framework was used to assess the extent to which men and women have participated in the Land Tenure Regularization process in Rwanda. One of the aims was to assist and enhance the capacity of local institutions involved in land awareness and land dispute management. Author(s): Santos, Florence; Fletschner Landesa, Diana; Daconto,…