Tag: enterprise development
Local economic development network of Africa (LEDNA) = Réseau pour le développement économique local en Afrique (LEDNA)
Abstract: The Local Economic Development Network of Africa aims to offer the fullest possible number of local economic development approaches that are in the public domain. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2009 Local economic development network of Africa (LEDNA), [Pretoria etc.] (English; French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.ledna.org/
The state of local economic development in Mozambique
Abstract: The main delivery vehicles for local economic development in Mozambique are described, the most prominent one being that of the Local Economic Development Agencies. In addition, a wide range of internationally funded projects promote local entrepreneurship and market linkages. Author(s): Penninkhoff, Petra Source(s): , vi, 67 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2009 Royal tropical…
Local communities and natural products : a manual for organizing natural resource management groups for resource management planning, enterprise development and integration into value chains
Abstract: This Manual intends to serve the needs of agencies and organizations that are interested in facilitating community organizing, NRM planning and implementation, community-based natural product enterprise development, and the integration of those into rewarding value chains. Author(s): Subedi, Bhishma Source(s): , iv, 61 p., ill., tabs Published: 2007 United States agency for international development…
Evaluation of local economic development (LED) in the Free state province
Abstract: This report examines the current status quo with respect to Local Economic Development (LED) in the Free State Province, and the impact which LED projects are having on local communities. The role of local government is highlighted. Author(s): Nel, Etienne Source(s): , CDS research report : LED & SMMC development; 2 52 p CDS…
Empowerment and poverty reduction : a sourcebook
Abstract: This book addresses questions concerning empowerment, the role of the World Bank, and how to make growth more pro-poor. The final section of the book documents tools and practices that can support the implementation of an empowering approach to poverty reduction. Author(s): Narayan, Deepa Source(s): , xxiv, 371 p., ill., tabs, 24 cm Published:…
Livelihoods and rural poverty reduction in Malawi : draft
Abstract: The poor, landlocked, country of Malawi is pursuing the twin strategies of decentralization and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). This paper reviews these macro level processes from a rural livelihoods perspective. Author(s): Ellis, Frank; Kutengule, Milton; Nyasulu, Alfred Source(s): , LADDER working paper; 17 27 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs LADDER working paper…
Local economic development : new generations of actors, policies and instruments : a summary report prepared for…
Abstract: In this overview of trends in local economic development in sub-Saharan Africa, three categories of local economic development initiatives are distinguished: (1) community based economic development; (2) business or enterprise development; and (3) locality development. Author(s): Helmsing, Albertus Hendrikus Johannes Source(s): , p. 59-78 draft papers Published: 2001 Human development resource network (HDRNet), [S.l.]…
Decentralisation and rural development : the role of the public and private sector in the provision of agricultural support services
Abstract: This report looks at several ways that local government could provide an enabling environment for the private sector. This requires an appreciation that a vibrant private sector can increase the productivity of the local economy and hence increase the long-term viability of local government. Author(s): Smith, Lawrence D. Source(s): , 11 p. Published: 1998…