Tag: environmental management
Devolution of resource rights, poverty, and natural resource management : a review
Abstract: This paper explores the impact, success factors and emerging challenges of decentralized natural resource management. These issues are looked at in relation to community-based wildlife management, irrigation management transfer, and community forestry. Author(s): Shyamsundar, Priya; Araral, Eduardo; Weeraratne, Suranjan Source(s): , Environmental economics series; 104 xi, 109 p., ill., tabs Environmental economics series 104…
Steering community driven development? : a desk study of NRM choices
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the state of practice in World Bank community driven-development (CDD) projects that address natural resource management (NRM) concerns, especially with regard to decision making and the decision to address NRM under the CDD project. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C.; Mearns, Robin Source(s): , Representation, equity and environment…
Waiting for democracy : the politics of choice in natural resource decentralization
Abstract: This report examines ways in which reforms of decentralization involving natural resources could be designed and implemented in law and in practice to improve their social and environmental outcomes. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse Craig Source(s): , WRI report ix, 140 p., ill., 26 cm WRI report Published: 2004 World resources institute, Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN:…
The effects of decentralisation and privatisation on urban environmental management : waste management in the Accra metropolitan area
Abstract: This study deals with new institutional arrangements for solid waste management in Accra, Ghana. It was carried out with the aim of making clear how government’s decentralization and privatization policies affect the practices and performance of service providers. Author(s): Obirih-Opareh, Nelson Source(s): , NIRP research for policy series; 22 62 p., ill., 21 cm…
Lands of the poor : local environmental governance and the decentralized management of natural resources
Abstract: This paper argues that good, local-level mechanisms for environmental governance are likely to lead to productive natural resource management practices that improve the productivity of local rural economies. At the same time they can enhance local responsibility, accountability and local democracy. Author(s): Bonfiglioli, Angelo Source(s): , viii, 150 p., ill. Published: 2004 United nations…
Nature, wealth, and power : emerging best practice for revitalizing rural Africa
Abstract: This paper discusses natural resource management as a key economic and governance issue for rural Africa. Building on lessons learned from more than 20 years of natural resource–based development in rural Africa, it presents principles and action steps that can serve as a guide to investment there. Author(s): Anderson, Jon; Shaikh, Asif Source(s): ,…
Soutenir la mise en oeuvre de la décentralisation en milieu rural au Mali
Abstract: Author(s): Cissé, Augustin Source(s): , 2 vols, ill., 30 cm Published: 2003 Institut royal des tropiques (KIT), Amsterdam (French ISBN/ISSN: 90-6832-147-1/ Link: http://www.kit.nl/smartsite.shtml?id=SINGLEPUBLICATION&ItemID=1032
Decentralization viewed from inside : the implementation of community forests in East Cameroon
Abstract: The question whether community forests are the best alternative for decentralized management in East Cameroon is examined, using cases from Upper Nyong region, Messamena and Lomié counties. Misunderstandings concerning the “development” of forest populations are highlighted. Author(s): Etoungou, Patrice Source(s): , Environmental governance in Africa working paper series; 12 iv, 28 p., ill., tabs…
Commerce, Kings and local government in Uganda : decentralizing natural resources to consolidate the central state
Abstract: This study explores the decentralization of forest management powers in Uganda in order to determine the extent to which powers have shifted to popularly elected and downwardly accountable local governments. The experience of decentralization in Uganda’s forestry sector is highly uneven. Author(s): Muhereza, Frank Emmanuel Source(s): , Environmental governance in Africa working papers; 8…