Tag: ethiopia
The land governance assessment framework : identifying and monitoring good practice in the land sector
Abstract: The framework (LGAF) provides guidance to diagnose and benchmark land governance. If land institutions function properly, land taxation provides a simple yet efficient tool to increase effective decentralization and to foster local government accountability. Author(s): Deininger, Klaus W.; Selod, Harris; Burns, Anthony F. Source(s): , Agriculture and rural development xvi, 147 p., ill., tabs…
The roads of decentralisation : the history of rural road construction in Ethiopia
Abstract: This working paper aims at shedding light on the historical roots of state-led rural road construction in Ethiopia. Special attention is paid to recent decentralized institutional settings and their historical emergence in connection with the issue of rural roads. Author(s): Emmenegger, Rony Source(s): , NCCR North-South dialogue; 39 53 p., ill., maps, tabs NCCR…
Plateaus not summits : reforming public financial management in Africa
Abstract: Ethiopia succeeded in transforming its public nancial management (PFM) to international standards because it implemented a context-specific recognize–improve–sustain strategy to support the government policy of rapid decentralization instead of trying to adopt irrelevant best practices. Author(s): Peterson, Stephen Bovard Source(s): , Public administration and development [9] p., ill., tab Public administration and development Published:…
Perceptions of public libraries in Africa : combined report prepared for EIFL
Abstract: The perceptions of public libraries in Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Uganda was studied among users, library staff, and local authorities. In the case of local government officials the objective was to understand whether they think libraries can make a difference. Author(s): Source(s): , 101 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011 eIFL, [Utrecht…
Decentralization and political opposition in contemporary Africa : evidence from Sudan and Ethiopia
Abstract: The impact of decentralization on political stability is examined, using the contrasting cases of Ethiopia and Sudan. In Sudan, inequitable decentralization opened the door for political opposition in the North to topple the regime, whereas equitable decentralization in Ethiopia led to stability. Author(s): Green, Elliott D. Source(s): , [26] p. Published: 2011 London school…
Annual World bank conference on land and poverty : conference agenda
Abstract: The theme of the 2011 conference was “Countries strengthen land governance”. In a period of land grabbing, better land governance can encourage investment, steer urban growth and improve social welfare. It also helps countries overcome a legacy of inequality, dispossession and conflict. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank, Washington, DC (English…
Local government in Ethiopia : still an apparatus of control?
Abstract: This article argues that in spite of the declared objectives of re-decentralisation in Ethiopia, the tradition of using local government as a means of control remains very much intact. Yet, “local mechanisms” allowed a considerable increase in the “access and provision of public goods”. Author(s): Ayele, Zemelak Source(s): , Law democracy & development; 15…
Ethiopia : food security and land governance factsheet
Abstract: This factsheet contains information on the regulatory land governance framework in Ethiopia, including land tenure forms, the institutional land governance framework, gender, foreign direct investment, land grabbing, national policy, and donor support. Author(s): Heegde, Martijn De; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Porchet, Nicholas Source(s): , 6 p., ill., tab Published: 2011 Land governance for equitable and…
Woreda and city administrations benchmarking survey III : synthesis report : survey of service delivery satisfaction status
Abstract: The Woreda and City Benchmarking Survey (WCBS) was designed initially as a core monitoring and evaluation tool for the Public Sector Capacity Building Program (PSCAP). It assesses the capacity of local government administrations, local participation, and public services. Author(s): Ethiopia Source(s): , vii, 54 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2010 Federal democratic republic of…