Tag: world bank
Scaling up in agriculture, rural development, and nutrition : moving local- and community-driven development from boutique to large scale
Abstract: Scaling up an LCDD program generally takes 10 to 15 years. The overall process is nonlinear, iterative and should use a systems perspective. Scaling up has many dimensions, including inclusiveness and the need to go beyond participation by embedding empowerment in the entire development process. Author(s): Binswanger-Mkhize, Hans P.; Regt, Jacomina P. De Source(s):…
The World bank and the globalization of participatory budgeting
Abstract: The debate on the World Bank’s role in the promotion of participatory budgeting (PB) has mostly been an ideological one. This article address the issue. It makes six main points, including that PB’s effects having strong potential to be positive, the Bank’s role in promoting PB should be encouraged. Author(s): Goldfrank, Benjamin Source(s): ,…
Can participation be induced? : some evidence from developing countries
Abstract: The effectiveness of the World Bank´s multi-billion dollar investment in participatory development projects is examined. While these projects improved access to basic services, they were less effective in improving income or in building sustainable participatory institutions at the local level. Author(s): Mansuri, Ghazala; Rao, Vijayendra Source(s): , Policy research working paper; WPS 6139 25…
Political economy studies: are they actionable : some lessons from Zambia
Abstract: The extent to which political economy studies can guide institutional reforms is examined, using the case of Zambia. One of the examples shows how policy dialogue shaped advocacy measures to facilitate decentralization reform. Author(s): Beuran, Monica; Raballand, Gaël; Kapoor, Kapil Source(s): , Policy research working paper; 5656 17 p Policy research working paper 5656…
Community-driven development in post-conflict and conflict-affected areas : experiences from east Asia : background paper for the 2011 World development report
Abstract: This paper provides a framework for assessing the impacts of (Community-Driven Development) CDD projects in post-conflict and conflict-affected areas. A major set of challenges relates to the impact of violent conflict on the capacity and legitimacy of institutions at multiple levels. Author(s): Barron, Patrick Source(s): , Discussion papers / World bank vi, 31 p.,…
Social development : putting people first : local governance
Abstract: At the World Bank, local governance is a subtheme of the social accountability and demand for good governance topic, together with the related subtheme of community driven development. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank, [Washington, DC] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/0,,contentMDK:22392474~pagePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:244363,00.html
Global land grabbing : update from the International conference on global land grabbing
Abstract: This paper summarizes the highlights of the Conference on Global Land Grabbing, which was held in 2011. Original estimates suggest that national governments and private investors purchased over 40 million hectares of land in just one year from 2008 to 2009, up from 4 million ha/year previously. Author(s): Borras, Jun Source(s): , 6 p.…
Indonesia Kecamatan development program
Abstract: The Kecamatan Development Program (KDP) was a national Government of Indonesia program that aimed at alleviating poverty, strengthening local government and community institutions, and improving local governance. It ran from 1998 to 2009. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank, Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://go.worldbank.org/3THYNMRD00