Tag: land tenure
The Land deal politics initiative (LDPI)
Abstract: LDPI aims to provide in-depth and systematic enquiry into the global land grab in order to have deeper, meaningful and productive debates around causes and implications. LDPI research uses a broad framework encompassing the political economy, political ecology and political sociology of land deals. Author(s): ISS Source(s): , Published: 2012 Erasmus university Rotterdam (EUR).…
The land governance assessment framework : identifying and monitoring good practice in the land sector
Abstract: The framework (LGAF) provides guidance to diagnose and benchmark land governance. If land institutions function properly, land taxation provides a simple yet efficient tool to increase effective decentralization and to foster local government accountability. Author(s): Deininger, Klaus W.; Selod, Harris; Burns, Anthony F. Source(s): , Agriculture and rural development xvi, 147 p., ill., tabs…
Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security : from finding common ground to making it happen
Abstract: The FAO has been preparing voluntary guidelines to improve the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests worldwide. They are based on principles, such as the respect and recognition of all legitimate tenure right holders and their rights and the provision of access to justice. Author(s): Wehrmann, Babette; Arial, Anni; Romano, Francesca Source(s):…
Land portal : the gateway to land information = la passerelle à l’information foncière
Abstract: The Land Portal is an easy access, easy-to-use platform to share land related information, to monitor trends, and identify information gaps to promote effective and sustainable land governance. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 International land coalition (ILC), Rome (English; French; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://landportal.info/
Land policy initiative (LPI)
Abstract: LPI is an international programme to make land play its proper role in African development. Focal areas include: (1) women’s secure access to land; (2) the legitimacy of Africa’s customary based land rights; and (3) transparent and cost-effective land administration systems. Author(s): UNECA Source(s): , Published: 2012 United nations economic commission for Africa (UNECA),…
Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security
Abstract: These voluntary guidelines assist in improving the governance of tenure, and thus contribute to alleviating hunger and poverty, empowering the poor and vulnerable, enhancing the environment, supporting national and local economic development, and reforming public administration. Author(s): FAO Source(s): , vi, 40 p., 25 cm Published: 2012 Food and agriculture organization of the United…
Conflict in Uganda’s land tenure system
Abstract: Uganda’s dualist land tenure system is a root cause of conflict over land use and ownership. The current land tenure laws facilitate land alienation, threaten livelihoods and contribute to food insecurity. The need for reform imposes itself. Author(s): Owaraga, Norah Source(s): , Africa portal backgrounder; 26 9:00 PM Africa portal backgrounder 26 [re-issue] Published:…
Monitoring tenure security within the continuum of land rights : methods and practices : paper
Abstract: The article presents a methodology for operationalizing the concept of a continuum of tenure security. Three levels are distinguished: individual or household, community or settlement, and legal and policy. It shows there is more than one route to achieving tenure security. Author(s): Sietchiping, Remy Source(s): , 19 p., ill. Published: 2012 [United nations human…
Land registration usage theory : a case study in Ghana
Abstract: The paper presents a 3-stage theory to examine why and how people register or choose not to register their land, using a case from the outskirts of Accra. The situation mirrored the one elsewhere in Ghana and sub-Saharan Africa. Land sales have benefited few and leaders have manipulated the rules. Author(s): Barry, Michael; Roux,…
Sustaining customary land secretariats for improved interactive land governance in Ghana
Abstract: Capacity building of traditional land governance institutions is increasingly favoured in Africa. In Ghana, 37 customary land secretariats (CLSs) have been established or strengthened with a strong emphasis on IT, but little understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of human-land relationships. Author(s): Bugri, John Source(s): , 28 p., ill., tabs Published: 2012 World bank, Washington,…