Tag: world bank
Social development : putting people first : local governance
Abstract: At the World Bank, local governance is a subtheme of the social accountability and demand for good governance topic, together with the related subtheme of community driven development. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank, [Washington, DC] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/0,,contentMDK:22392474~pagePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:244363,00.html
Global land grabbing : update from the International conference on global land grabbing
Abstract: This paper summarizes the highlights of the Conference on Global Land Grabbing, which was held in 2011. Original estimates suggest that national governments and private investors purchased over 40 million hectares of land in just one year from 2008 to 2009, up from 4 million ha/year previously. Author(s): Borras, Jun Source(s): , 6 p.…
Empowering Indonesian communities through direct participation in developing infrastructure and services
Abstract: The National Program for Community Empowerment encourages local communities to participate in the planning process; provides financial support to the communities for poverty alleviation; and enhances the partnership of central and local governments to best provide services where most needed. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , IBRD results 6 p., ill IBRD results Published: 2010…
Scaling-up social accountability in World bank operations
Abstract: Social accountability holds considerable promise for achieving better governance and service delivery. Tools and mechanisms include participatory budgeting, public expenditure tracking, citizen report cards, community score cards, social audits, citizen charters, and right to information acts. Author(s): Agarwal, Sanjay; Heltberg, Rasmus; Diachok, Myrtle Source(s): , 12 p., ill. Published: 2009 World bank], [Washington, DC…
Sharing experience : enhancing the benefits to communities from extractive industry projects
Abstract: In the first part of this 2-h video, Dan Owen, Program Coordinator for Community Driven Development at the World Bank, gives an overview of the Bank’s practices. Author(s): Owen, Dan Source(s): , 1:59 min., ill. Published: 2009 Sustainable community development fund (CommDev), [Washington, DC] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2929743005347131557#
PNPM-rural baseline report
Abstract: This report seeks to determine the impact of community-driven development approaches on poverty alleviation and access to services in Indonesia. Disadvantaged groups such as female-headed households are poorer and face stronger challenges in accessing education than poor households in general. Author(s): Voss, John Source(s): , xii, 31 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 World bank…
Decentralization in client countries : an evaluation of World bank support, 1990-2007
Abstract: An evaluation of the effectiveness of World Bank support for decentralization in 20 representative countries shows that future support should be underpinned by commitment to service delivery and enhanced capacity for monitoring and evaluation that focuses on accountability and participation. Author(s): Gopal, Gita Source(s): , xxviii, 89 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2008 World…
Local economic development : a primer : developing and implementing local economic development strategies and action plans
Abstract: Developed as a World Bank resource to assist communities to develop local economic development strategies, this Local Economic Development Primer has been prepared for towns, cities and communities that are new to LED and that wish to help their local economies grow. Author(s): Swinburn, Gwen; Goga, Soraya; Murphy, Fergus Source(s): , vii, 83 p.,…
Steering community driven development? : a desk study of NRM choices
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the state of practice in World Bank community driven-development (CDD) projects that address natural resource management (NRM) concerns, especially with regard to decision making and the decision to address NRM under the CDD project. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C.; Mearns, Robin Source(s): , Representation, equity and environment…