Decentralization, local governance and ‘recentralization’ in Africa
Abstract: African decentralization reforms are still experiencing problems in bringing about effective local governance. Central reluctance to relinquish authority in key areas of budgeting and revenue and the complexity of organizational redesign to support decentralization explain these problems. Author(s): Wunsch, James Stevenson Source(s): Public administration and development; 21(2001)4, p. 277-288 Public administration and development 21(2001)4…
NAYMOTE : empower, engage, & educate
Abstract: NAYMOTE is a grassroots organization promoting democracy, peace-building, human rights, community organizing and civic engagement in Liberia. The mission is to strengthen and promote positive youth and community engagements in support of democratic governance and sustainable development. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2001 NAYMOTE, Paynesville City (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://naymote.com/
Fiscal decentralisation in Tanzania : for better or for worse?
Abstract: An important component of local government reform in Tanzania is to increase the fiscal autonomy of local authorities. There is a risk that, in the absence of capacity building and improved integrity, increased autonomy will increase mismanagement and corruption. Author(s): Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge Source(s): , Working paper / Development studies and human rights, Chr. Michelsen…
Market access & institutional choice : working papers / World resources institute (WRI)
Abstract: Author(s): WRI [World Resources Institute] Source(s): , Published: 2000 WRI, Washington, DC (English; French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.wri.org/publication/market-access-working-papers#9394
Aladin : Association for law and administration in developing and transition countries
Abstract: Under its 3-year programme, ALADIN has looked at the policy theories and actual practice of decentralized NRM. It has also investigated in what way local governments can shape environmental governance. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2000 Aladin secretariat, Leiden (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://aladinweb.org/
Decentralization and democratic local governance programming handbook
Abstract: This handbook serves as a practical guide to USAID officers who are faced with the task of developing program activities in the areas of decentralization and democratic local governance. It provides a conceptual framework and guidance for choosing successful programming strategies. Author(s): Bland, Gary Source(s): , Technical publication series 70 p., ill., tabs Technical…
Enhancing participation in local governance : experiences from the Philippines
Abstract: This source book on decentralization, devolution, participation and governance shares results in public sector reform and highlights successful experiences in health service delivery, natural resources management and the promotion of local economic development. Author(s): Mercaida, Enrique G. Source(s): , 197 p., ill., tabs Published: 2000 International institute of rural reconstruction (IIRR) [etc.], Silang [etc.]…
Transforming bureaucracies : institutionalising participation and people centred processes in natural resource management : an annotated bibliography
Abstract: This guide to pre-2000 literature on organizational change and the institutionalization of participation in natural resource management served as a background for a reseach programme to scale up participatory initiatives in Burkina Faso, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Senegal. Author(s): Bainbridge, Vanessa Source(s): , 248 p. Published: 2000 International institute for environment and development] (IIED)…
Community driven development : a vision of poverty reduction through empowerment
Abstract: The World Bank’s vision of Community Driven Development (CDD) as a key means of helping to achieve the development objectives that are becoming apparent through the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) process is outlined. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , [20] p. Published: 2000 World bank], [Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://info.worldbank.org/etools/docs/library/209162/CDD_Africa_vision_Final.doc
Making decentralization accountable : a framework for analysis and empirical studies from south Asia and west Africa : paper submitted to Comparative politics
Abstract: A framework for examining the degree to which decentralizations are being carried out is described. Most decentralization efforts end up without increasing much the powers of local authorities or peoples. Since 1917, francophone West Africa has seen at least four distinct waves. Author(s): Agrawal, Arun; Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , 66 p. Published: 2000…