Tag: accountability
Local government discretion and accountability : application of a local governance framework
Abstract: The World Bank local governance framework of 2008 is applied to ten countries and two sectors. The countries are Angola, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, India (Kerala), Philippines, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, Pakistan (Punjab). The sectors are health and education. Author(s): Yilmaz, Serdar Source(s): , Report / World bank; 49059-GLB viii, 91 p., ill., tabs Report…
Making decentralized coastal zone management work in Indonesia : case studies of Kabupaten Konawe and Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan
Abstract: This dissertation calls for better understanding of the role of various forms of accountability in decentralized coastal zone management in Indonesia, and its linkage with local-central governance arrangements. Author(s): Siry, Hendra Yusran Source(s): , xxvi, 367 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2009 Australian national university (ANU), Canberra (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://dspace.anu.edu.au/bitstream/1885/49360/2/02whole.pdf.pdf
Beyond elections : an online documentary
Abstract: This documentary takes you across the Americas, from Venezuela’s communal councils to Brazil’s participatory budgeting and from grassroots movements to cooperatives, to clarify the nature of democracy. Author(s): Fox, Michael; Leindecker, Sílvia Source(s): , 2:34 min., ill. Published: 2008 Estreito Meios, [S.l.] (English; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.beyondelections.com/2008/07/beyond-elections-documentary-coming.html
Designing inclusive and accountable local democratic institutions : a practitioner’s guide
Abstract: This guide gives an overview of the institutional arrangements at the local level in 22 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and gives practical examples of ways to improve them and ensure more inclusive involvement. Author(s): Larsen, Henrik Fredborg; Maguire, Linda; Kirby Dorji, Kay Source(s): , x, 139 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 United nations…
Accountability and voice for service deliverty at the local level : a background paper for the UNDP regional training event Developing capacities for accountability and voice
Abstract: The focus of this background paper for the UNDP regional training event Developing Capacities for Accountability and Voice held in Bulgaria, October 2008 is practical: it is linked to specific strategies for strengthening UNDP’s work in capacity development for enhancing accountability and voice. Author(s): UNDP Source(s): , i, 25 p., ill. Published: 2008 United…
Local democracy in action : a civil society perspective on local governance in South Africa
Abstract: A framework for evaluating local governance in South Africa is outlined. It looks at three interrelated aspects: democracy, responsiveness, accountability; equitable service delivery and poverty reduction; and planning and budgeting. Author(s): Van Donk, Mirjam Source(s): , 104 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2008 Good governance learning network (GGLN), Cape Town (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…
Strengthening local government budgeting and accountability
Abstract: The role of budgeting as a critical tool in decentralization reform is discussed, highlighting problems that might impede successful local government budget development and implementation. Particularly important are the legal and budgetary instruments that require input from local community members. Author(s): Schaeffer, Michael; Yilmaz, Serdar Source(s): , Policy research working paper; 4767 23 p.,…
Making reform work : institutions, dispositions, and the improving health of Bangladesh
Abstract: This article examines whether local governance in Bangladesh can reduce maternal and child mortality, using data from high and low-performing upazilas. According to theory local government responsiveness and accountability is primarily the product of the openness and competition of its politics. Author(s): Faquet, Jean-Paul; Ali, Zulfigar Source(s): , World development; vol. 37, no. 1…
Decentralization in client countries : an evaluation of World bank support, 1990-2007
Abstract: An evaluation of the effectiveness of World Bank support for decentralization in 20 representative countries shows that future support should be underpinned by commitment to service delivery and enhanced capacity for monitoring and evaluation that focuses on accountability and participation. Author(s): Gopal, Gita Source(s): , xxviii, 89 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2008 World…