Category: Ref-Presentation
Practical entry points for improving governance for rural sanitation and hygiene
Abstract: Despite ongoing decentralization efforts, local planning and resource allocation rarely integrate water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Rural WASH programmes often run in relative isolation of local governance processes. Practical entry points for improving WASH governance are needed. Author(s): Tandukar, Bimal Source(s): , [15] p., ill., graphs Published: 2011 SNV Asia, [Hanoi etc.] (English…
Decentralisation of rural water : moving towards a solution or out-sourcing the problem?
Abstract: This presentation gives an overview of field studies of decentralization as a key contextual issue in rural water supply in Latin America and Africa. The audio can be downloaded from Author(s): Lockwood, Harold Source(s): , 15 p., ill., graphs, maps Published: 2011 Triple-s, Water services that last, [The Hague] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…
Why quality matters : a multi-level analysis of decentralization, local government performance and legitimating beliefs in post-conflict Sierra Leone
Abstract: A study of the effect of political decentralization in post-conflict Sierra Leone on legitimization shows that improvements in service delivery under conditions of decentralized governments are associated with greater trust in local government authorities. Author(s): Sacks, Audrey; Larizza, Marco Source(s): , 16 p., ill., graphs, map Published: 2011 University of Essex. Institute for democracy…
Land governance in Uganda : large scale land acquisition and land expropriation
Abstract: Large scale land acquisition and land governance issues in sub-Saharan Africa are discussed. Land grabbing is defined in the context of Uganda. It is recommended that a policy framework should be developed to lay down the principles that will govern large scale land acquisition and appropriation. Author(s): Onesmus, Mugyenyi Source(s): , [12] p., ill.,…
Analysis of basic service governance and the role of local authorities in improving service delivery
Abstract: A study was conducted in Libya, Sudan, Mauritania, Congo (Brazzaville), and Tanzania on the governance and provision of basic services. The aim was to understand how service delivery can be improved and how local government meet challenges and improve access. Author(s): Sutcliffe, Michael; Bannister, Sue Source(s): , UCLG GOLD : Africa report; III ,…
Agr[ar]ian change below the radar screen : rising farmland acquisitions by domestic investors in west Africa : what are the implications for food production and smallholder farming?
Abstract: A 2010 survey in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger determined the scale of land acquisition by domestic investors in West Africa. Most acquisitions took place after 2000. Most investors are urban. Formal tenure on customary land is difficult. A move to involve smallholders should be encouraged. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Nelen, Joost; Traoré,…
Traditional leadership and democracy in Africa : the experience of Botswana
Abstract: The role of chieftainships in modern African democracies and land tenure is discussed, using the case of Botswana. Author(s): Sharma, Keshav C. Source(s): , [14] p. Published: 2009 Institute for democracy in South Africa (IDASA), [Pretoria etc. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:
Water supply reforms and child mortality in Colombia 1990-2004
Abstract: A study of privatization of water and sewerage services in Columbia found that larger local governments that reformed service provision exhibited slower reduction of child mortality rate from infectious and transmissible diseases than municipalities that maintained them as public services. Author(s): Granados, Claudia; Sánchez, Fabio Source(s): , [33] p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2009…