Tag: community participation
New niches of community rights to forests in Cameroon : tenure reform, decentralization category or something else?
Abstract: This essay interrogates the nature of ongoing change in the structure of community rights in Cameroon: is it tenure change or decentralization? In reality, it is neither a strict decentralization process nor a strict tenure reform, but a mixture of devolution and delegation of powers. Author(s): Oyono, Phil René Source(s): , International journal of…
The eight modes of local governance in west Africa
Abstract: Several meanings of the term governance are discussed before an own definition is given. A comparative analysis is made of different modes of local governance in Francophone West Africa, e.g. chiefly, associational, communal, state, project based, patronage based, religious and business. Author(s): Olivier De Sardan, Jean-Pierre; Appleyard, Paul Source(s): , APPP working paper; 4…
‘The grass of the rich?’ : integrity and post-war reconstruction in the Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone : public report to stakeholders : community oversight monitoring in reconstruction project findings
Abstract: This GSDRC report focuses on the tangibly negative impact on infrastructural development in Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone, as a result of the lack of transparency, lack of accountability, and corruption between implementing agencies, contractors and the recipient community. Author(s): Broadbent, Emma J.; Kamara, Alpha Source(s): , 45 p., ill., tabs Published: 2009 Centre for…
Sharing experience : enhancing the benefits to communities from extractive industry projects
Abstract: In the first part of this 2-h video, Dan Owen, Program Coordinator for Community Driven Development at the World Bank, gives an overview of the Bank’s practices. Author(s): Owen, Dan Source(s): , 1:59 min., ill. Published: 2009 Sustainable community development fund (CommDev), [Washington, DC] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2929743005347131557#
Not about us without us : working with grassroots organisations in the land field
Abstract: This publication presents a grassroots mechanism for the effective inclusion of local community groups (grassroots). Detailed criteria to assess grassroots participation in order to determine whether it is genuine, effective and rights-based are included. Author(s): Langford, Malcolm; Augustinus, Clarissa; Westman, Ulrik; Jonsson, Asa Source(s): , 32 p., ill., tabs Published: 2009 United nations human…
The complexities of decentralization in a globalizing world
Abstract: The interplay of decentralization and globalization in affecting environmental outcomes and community welfare is analysed through a game-theoretic model of community-firm interactions. This will require a mix of policies, including secure property rights and poverty alleviation. Author(s): Engel, Stefanie; Palmer, Charles Source(s): , IED working paper; 8 18 p., ill IED working paper 8…
Case studies on community participation : regional trends, issues and practices in rural poverty reduction
Abstract: This ESCAP publication provides an overview of participatory approaches in rural development and rural poverty reduction in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as a description of three case studies on participatory approaches in China, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Author(s): ESCAP Source(s): , 100 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2009 United…
Community development and engagement with local governance in South Africa
Abstract: This article examines actual practice in the area of policy and legislative framework for public participation in municipal processes in South Africa. Community experiences of attempts to engage with municipalities in development planning and policy processes are highlighted. Author(s): Buccus, Imraan Source(s): , Community and development journal; bsn011 16 p Community and development journal…
Impact evaluation of the second phase of the Kecamatan development program in Indonesia
Abstract: This report seeks to determine the impact of community-driven development approaches on traditional measures of household welfare and access to services. The report outlines how the participation of women is addressed in the second phase of the Kecamatan Development Programme (KDP2). Author(s): Voss, John Source(s): , vii, 42 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 World…