Tag: community participation
‘The grass of the rich?’ : integrity and post-war reconstruction in the Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone : public report to stakeholders : community oversight monitoring in reconstruction project findings
Abstract: This GSDRC report focuses on the tangibly negative impact on infrastructural development in Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone, as a result of the lack of transparency, lack of accountability, and corruption between implementing agencies, contractors and the recipient community. Author(s): Broadbent, Emma J.; Kamara, Alpha Source(s): , 45 p., ill., tabs Published: 2009 Centre for…
Sharing experience : enhancing the benefits to communities from extractive industry projects
Abstract: In the first part of this 2-h video, Dan Owen, Program Coordinator for Community Driven Development at the World Bank, gives an overview of the Bank’s practices. Author(s): Owen, Dan Source(s): , 1:59 min., ill. Published: 2009 Sustainable community development fund (CommDev), [Washington, DC] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2929743005347131557#
Not about us without us : working with grassroots organisations in the land field
Abstract: This publication presents a grassroots mechanism for the effective inclusion of local community groups (grassroots). Detailed criteria to assess grassroots participation in order to determine whether it is genuine, effective and rights-based are included. Author(s): Langford, Malcolm; Augustinus, Clarissa; Westman, Ulrik; Jonsson, Asa Source(s): , 32 p., ill., tabs Published: 2009 United nations human…
The complexities of decentralization in a globalizing world
Abstract: The interplay of decentralization and globalization in affecting environmental outcomes and community welfare is analysed through a game-theoretic model of community-firm interactions. This will require a mix of policies, including secure property rights and poverty alleviation. Author(s): Engel, Stefanie; Palmer, Charles Source(s): , IED working paper; 8 18 p., ill IED working paper 8…
Case studies on community participation : regional trends, issues and practices in rural poverty reduction
Abstract: This ESCAP publication provides an overview of participatory approaches in rural development and rural poverty reduction in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as a description of three case studies on participatory approaches in China, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Author(s): ESCAP Source(s): , 100 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2009 United…
Authority over forests : empowerment and subordination in Senegal’s democratic decentralization
Abstract: Despite progressive new laws that transfer forest rights to rural councils, the Forest Service in Senegal continue to allocate access to lucrative forest opportunities to charcoal merchants. As a result, the councils cannot represent their populations and therefore cannot gain legitimacy. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): Development and change; 40(2009)1, p. 105-129 Development and…
Defining political community and rights to natural resources in Botswana
Abstract: In Botswana, the entangling of natural resource policy with identity politics contributed to a partial recentralization of CBNRM. Decentralization has been associated with democratization in that decentralized natural resource management is virtually equated with empowerment of local resource users. Author(s): Poteete, Amy R. Source(s): Development and change; 40(2009)2, p. 281-305 Development and change 40(2009)2…
Beyond tenure : rights-based approaches to peoples and forests : some lessons from the forest peoples programme
Abstract: On the basis of a review of 17 years of programmatic work with forest peoples in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, this paper explores the complexity of rights that need recognition if community-based livelihoods in forests are to be secured and well-being is to be improved. Author(s): Colchester, Marcus Source(s): , iv, 44 p.…
Accroître les ressources financières des communes : pratiques émergentes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
Abstract: The mobilization and management of financial resources is one of the pillars of the decentralization and sustainable provision of basic services in local communities. This book examines what progress has been made in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin, and Cameroon. Author(s): Keita, Amagoin; Baltissen, Gerard; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , 95 p., ill., tabs,…