Tag: community participation
Community-driven development : decentralization’s accountability challenge
Abstract: This chapter and focuses on CDD’s role in: (1) improving the quality of decentralization by promoting greater civic participation and accountability in local governance; (2) delivering cost-effective and timely services; and (3) informing and formulating decentralization regulations. Author(s): Wong, Susan; Guggenheim, Scott Source(s): East Asia decentralizes : making local government work, p. 253-267, ill.,…
Participatory research and development for sustainable agriculture and natural resource management : a sourcebook
Abstract: Field-tested participatory research and development (PR&D) concepts and practices for practitioners, researchers, and academics are presented. Applications in sustainable crop and animal production from over 30 countries are described. Author(s): Gonsalves, Julian Source(s): , 3 vols, ill. Published: 2005 IDRC, Ottawa (English ISBN/ISSN: 1-55250-180-9/ Link: http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-84706-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html
Les premiers pas des communes au Bénin : enseignements du processus de la décentralisation
Abstract: Decentralization became effective in Benin from 2003 onwards. This report describes the first 3 years of rolling out the reforms with a focus on the elections, the establishment of the communes, local development planning, and the transfer of responsibilities. Author(s): Langley, Philip; Baltissen, Gerard; Hilhorst, Thea Source(s): , Bulletin / Royal tropical institute; 371Décentralisation…
Empowering the poor : the KALAHI-CIDSS community-driven development project : a toolkit of concepts and cases
Abstract: This paper reports on a community-driven development project in the Philippines that aims to empower communities through their enhanced participation in poverty reduction projects. Stories from the communities illustrate the general outline of the programme objectives and features. Author(s): Parker, Andrew; Sera, Yumi; Bhatnagar, Bhuvan Source(s): , 40 p., ill., maps Published: 2005 World…
Steering community driven development? : a desk study of NRM choices
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the state of practice in World Bank community driven-development (CDD) projects that address natural resource management (NRM) concerns, especially with regard to decision making and the decision to address NRM under the CDD project. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C.; Mearns, Robin Source(s): , Representation, equity and environment…
Guidebook on decentralisation and local government in Malawi
Abstract: This guidebook provides information on decentralization in Malawi. Subjects include: finance, infrastructure, services, national government, municipal and local government, democracy. community participation, local governance, participatory planning, transparency, and accountability. Author(s): Ott, Nicola; Dikani, Tofara Source(s): , vi, 62 p., ill., map Published: 2005 Malawi-German programme for democracy and decentralisation (MGPDD), Lilongwe (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Local government accountability
Abstract: The “Local government accountability” tool can be used in situations of decentralization where new powers have been delegated without adequate thought to the roles, responsibilities and capacities of the authorities at local level. It raises the awareness of local communities. Author(s): Kafakoma, Robert Source(s): , Power tools 31 p., ill Power tools Published: 2005…
Strengthening participatory approaches to local governance : learning the lessons from abroad
Abstract: The emergence of new forms of participatory governance are reviewed, some innovative strategies and legal frameworks for strengthening citizen engagement are examined, and some practical lessons are discussed. Author(s): Gaventa, John Source(s): , National civic review p. 16-27, ill., tabs National civic review Published: 2004 University of Sussex. Institute of development studies (IDS)], [Brighton…
PGIS’s relevance, applicability and conditions in local rural development : a case study with village development planning in Bach Ma national park buffer zone, Vietnam
Abstract: The relevance of participatory GIS (PGIS) for developing countries was examined, especially in relation to village development planning in Vietnam. The need for keeping the local community’s needs in mind is emphasized. The relation of PGIS to rural development is not always straightforward. Author(s): Nguyen Thuy Trang Source(s): , vi, 102 p., ill., graphs,…