Tag: community participation
Strengthening participatory approaches to local governance : learning the lessons from abroad
Abstract: The emergence of new forms of participatory governance are reviewed, some innovative strategies and legal frameworks for strengthening citizen engagement are examined, and some practical lessons are discussed. Author(s): Gaventa, John Source(s): , National civic review p. 16-27, ill., tabs National civic review Published: 2004 University of Sussex. Institute of development studies (IDS)], [Brighton…
PGIS’s relevance, applicability and conditions in local rural development : a case study with village development planning in Bach Ma national park buffer zone, Vietnam
Abstract: The relevance of participatory GIS (PGIS) for developing countries was examined, especially in relation to village development planning in Vietnam. The need for keeping the local community’s needs in mind is emphasized. The relation of PGIS to rural development is not always straightforward. Author(s): Nguyen Thuy Trang Source(s): , vi, 102 p., ill., graphs,…
Allocation of government authority and responsibility in tiered governance systems : the case of environment-related laws in Zimbabwe
Abstract: The political economy of the allocation of legal powers over natural resource management between the Zimbabwean State, rural district councils and local communities is examined with special attention to citizen empowerment. Author(s): Mandondo, Alois; Mapedza, Everisto Source(s): , Environmental governance in Africa working papers; 11 iv, 27 p Environmental governance in Africa working papers…
‘Bringing government to the people’ : women, local governance and community participation in South Africa
Abstract: This paper considers the ongoing political transformations in South Africa in the context of debates about good governance and participatory democracy. Author(s): McEwan, Cheryl Source(s): Geoforum; 34(2003)4, p. 469-481, ill., maps Geoforum 34(2003)4 Published: 2003 World bank, (English ISBN/ISSN: /0016-7185 Link: http://dro.dur.ac.uk/1069/1/1069.pdf
Decentralization and wildlife management : devolving rights or shedding responsibility? : Bwindi impenetrable national park, Uganda
Abstract: The roles of local institutions involved in natural resource management under the community conservation approach to protected area management around Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda are analysed with special emphasis on effective local participation and empowerment. Author(s): Namara, Agrippinah; Nsabagasani, Xavier Source(s): , Environmental governance in Africa working papers; 9 iv, 43 p.,…
Soutenir la mise en oeuvre de la décentralisation en milieu rural au Mali
Abstract: Author(s): Cissé, Augustin Source(s): , 2 vols, ill., 30 cm Published: 2003 Institut royal des tropiques (KIT), Amsterdam (French ISBN/ISSN: 90-6832-147-1/ Link: http://www.kit.nl/smartsite.shtml?id=SINGLEPUBLICATION&ItemID=1032
Fostering community-driven development : what role for the state?
Abstract: State development strategies for more effectively tapping community-level energies and resources are examined, using case studies from Asia and Latin America. One approach is to form alliances between higher levels of government and communities to put pressure on local authorities. Author(s): Das Gupta, Monica; Grandvoinnet, Helene; Romani, Mattia Source(s): , Policy research working paper;…
Enjeux et viabilité des communes rurales au Burkina Faso
Abstract: This Bulletin focuses on access to land and natural resources, particularly by groups with the least political muscle, and considers the opportunities and risks that rural decentralisation poses for management of these resources at the local level in Burkina Faso and elsewhere in West Africa. Author(s): Bagré, Alain S.; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Baltissen, Gerard…
Decentralization viewed from inside : the implementation of community forests in East Cameroon
Abstract: The question whether community forests are the best alternative for decentralized management in East Cameroon is examined, using cases from Upper Nyong region, Messamena and Lomié counties. Misunderstandings concerning the “development” of forest populations are highlighted. Author(s): Etoungou, Patrice Source(s): , Environmental governance in Africa working paper series; 12 iv, 28 p., ill., tabs…
Commerce, Kings and local government in Uganda : decentralizing natural resources to consolidate the central state
Abstract: This study explores the decentralization of forest management powers in Uganda in order to determine the extent to which powers have shifted to popularly elected and downwardly accountable local governments. The experience of decentralization in Uganda’s forestry sector is highly uneven. Author(s): Muhereza, Frank Emmanuel Source(s): , Environmental governance in Africa working papers; 8…