Tag: elite
Party politics, social movements, and local democracy : institutional choices in the Brazilian Amazon
Abstract: Although in the past this close relationship between civil society organizations and the ruling party (PT) helped strengthen democracy in Brazil, the current government-NGO alliance runs in fact reinforces centralization and foments neo-corporatist/clientelist practices. Author(s): Toni, Fabiano Source(s): , Representation, equity and environment working paper; 32 iv, 21 p., ill., tabs Representation, equity and…
Green governance : the case of Akassa community forests management and development plan
Abstract: This study of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria shows how environmental degradation associated with oil exploration has been shaped by corporate development strategy and how practice of devolution of powers over resource management reinforced the hegemony of the ruling class. Author(s): Joab-Peterside, Sofiri Source(s): , Niger delta economies of violence project working papers;…
Can the design of community-driven development reduce the risk of elite capture? : evidence from Indonesia
Abstract: This study from Indonesia shows that while CDD projects can help create spaces for elite and non-elite community leaders to emerge, elite control of project decision-making is pervasive. Project-initiated accountability arrangements, such as democratic leadership selection, could curb this. Author(s): Fritzen, Scott A. Source(s): , 38 p., ill., tabs Published: 2006 National university of…
The rise of local governments : an overview
Abstract: In this introduction to Decentralization and local governance in developing countries : a comparative perspective possible reasons for local governance to fail are examined. The focus is on decentralization of political authority to local governments at a level lower than states or provinces. Author(s): Bardhan, Pranab; Mookherjee, Dilip Source(s): Decentralization and local governance in…
Governance gone local : does decentralization improve accountability?
Abstract: This chapter discusses five key governance risks that could mitigate the posited advantages of decentralization: capture, clientelism, capacity constraints, competition over the balance of power between levels of government, and weaknesses in effective interregional competition. Author(s): Campos, Jose Edgardo; Hellman, Joel S. Source(s): East Asia decentralizes : making local government work, p. 237-252, ill.,…
Participation and decentralized forest management : social effects of local government initiatives
Abstract: Though the research from Nicaragua is preliminary, the results suggest a clear correlation between effective participation and the absence of corruption or elite capture by logging companies, but participation alone does not guarantee positive results for resource users. Author(s): Larson, Anne M.; Zeledón, Virginia Source(s): , 29 p., ill., tabs Published: 2004 Indiana university.…
The local appropriation of democracy : an analysis of the municipal elections in Parakou, Republic of Benin, 2002/03
Abstract: Author(s): Bierschenk, Thomas Source(s): , Arbeitspapiere = Working papers; 39 46 p., ill., tabs Arbeitspapiere = Working papers 39 Published: 2004 Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Mainz (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.ifeas.uni-mainz.de/workingpapers/LocalParakou.pdf
Democratization and the distribution of local public goods in a poor rural economy
Abstract: A study from India finds that local democratization appears to serve the interests of the poor. The study model is applied to a data set from rural India that includes detailed information on economic conditions, public good stocks, local political structure, and revenue-raising authority. Author(s): Foster, Andrew D.; Rosenzweig, Mark R. Source(s): , 50…
Decentralisation and poverty reduction in Africa : the politics of local-central relations
Abstract: Evidence from Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania shows that decentralization is unlikely to lead to more pro-poor outcomes without a serious effort to strengthen and broaden accountability mechanisms at both local and national levels. Author(s): Crook, Richard C. Source(s): Public administration and development; 23(2003)1, p. 77-88 Public administration and development 23(2003)1 Published:…
Negative side effects : decentralization and the potential for democratic instability in Costa Rica
Abstract: The possible negative side effects of the ongoing decentralization process in Costa Rica are examined, including party system fragmentation, reinforced or mutated clientelism, inter-municipal conflict and polarization, and local government instability. Author(s): Ryan, Jeffrey Source(s): , 14 p. Published: 2002 Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de investigaciones jurídicas (IIJ). Facultad de derecho, [San José…