Tag: enterprise development
LUMS – McGill : Social enterprise development center
Abstract: The SEDC programme on governance in Pakistan is designed to fill the gap in research on governance by providing independent scholarly advice to decision makers on how to address the current crisis in governance and contributing to intellectual debate on the topic. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Lahore university of management sciences (LUMS), Lahore…
The effectiveness of local business service centres in disseminating information to woman entrepreneurs in Gauteng, South Africa
Abstract: This article examines the effectiveness of local business service centres (LBSCs) as information dissemination operations. It was found that black women entrepreneurs were not aware of the services and a special outreach effort in the townships is called for. Author(s): Chiloane-Tsoka, Evelyn G. Source(s): , Gender & behaviour; vol. 9, no. 1 p. 3566-3579…
Energising local economies : local economic development around the Commonwealth : background discussion paper
Abstract: This paper considers the status of local economic development (LED) across the Commonwealth and reviews the context of globalization, the community leadership role of local government, and the increasing expectations and demands of local communities for services and support around. Author(s): Reddy, Purshottama; Wallis, Malcolm Source(s): , 29 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Commonwealth…
Municipal local economic development and the multiplier effect : piloting a community enterprise identification method in South Africa and Namibia
Abstract: Each local economy is unique, and has its own opportunities. The ’Plugging the Leaks’ method recognizes that communities themselves know best how money enters and exits their area. By working collectively to improve their local economy, local communities are able to re-circulate cash internally. Author(s): Heideman, Lucienne Source(s): , Commonwealth journal of local governance…
Street trading in Cape Town CBD : a study of the relationship between local government and street traders
Abstract: A survey among 71 street traders in Cape Town indicates that there is a positive relationship between traders and the City of Cape Town, but that local government does not live up to expectation when it comes to the facilitation of informal business development. Policy recommendations are provided. Author(s): Heerden, Schalk Willem Van Source(s):…
Local economic development in sub-Saharan Africa : defining potential roles for national government : review
Abstract: This article examines the functions that can be assumed by national governments in support of LED programming, including furnishing a coherent framework and guidelines for local planning affecting business development. Recommendations for energizing LED processes in Africa are provided. Author(s): Rogerson, C.M. Source(s): , African journal of business management; Vol. 5, No. 30 p.…
Up-scaling local economic development : lessons from the Ghana decent work programme
Abstract: This case study presents and analyses the lessons learned from the Local Economic Development (LED) component of the Ghana Decent Work Programme (GDWP). It fostered social dialogue at local level, strengthened local businesses, and extended social protection for workers in the informal economy. Author(s): Tijmstra, Sylvia Source(s): , viii, 40 p., ill., graph, tabs…
Mesopartner : local economic delivery
Abstract: Mesopartner is a knowledge firm that specializes in territorial development, competitiveness and innovation. It is a service provider both to development organizations and to consultants and consulting firms. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 Mesopartner, [Duisburg etc.] (English; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.mesopartner.com/
Contracting the road to development : early impacts of a rural roads program
Abstract: The Peruvian rural roads program (RRP) contracts private local firms for rehabilitation and maintenance with local supervision by community leaders setting incentives that favour prevention activities. It enhanced road transitability, employment, and investments in education and health. Author(s): Valdivia, Martin Source(s): , PMMA working paper; 18 40 p., ill., tabs PMMA working paper 18…
Promoting micro and small scale industries for local development in Ghana : the case of east Mamprusi district
Abstract: The performance of local government institutions in the delivery of services in support of Micro and Small Scale Industries development is examined. The focus is on small-scale industries engaged in bakery, pito brewing, batik tie and dye, weaving, blacksmithing, soap making, and oil extraction. Author(s): Joseph, Louknaan Source(s): , xv, 113 p., ill., graphs,…