Tag: roads
Attribution and accountability : voting for roads in Ghana
Abstract: The thesis argues that democracy makes African governments more responsive to the rural majority, thereby generating dissatisfaction among urban voters. A distinction is made between attributable inputs (roads) and non-attributable inputs (education material) in Ghana. Author(s): Harding, Robin Source(s): , 45 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2013 New York university (NYU)], [New York,…
The roads of decentralisation : the history of rural road construction in Ethiopia
Abstract: This working paper aims at shedding light on the historical roots of state-led rural road construction in Ethiopia. Special attention is paid to recent decentralized institutional settings and their historical emergence in connection with the issue of rural roads. Author(s): Emmenegger, Rony Source(s): , NCCR North-South dialogue; 39 53 p., ill., maps, tabs NCCR…
Efficiency of local service provision in Zambia’s health, education and road sectors : implications for decentralisation and the effectiveness of budget support
Abstract: This study examines the scope for improving the operational efficiency of public financial management (PFM) in sub-Saharan African countries, using the case of local service provision in Zambia’s health, education, and road sectors. Author(s): Leiderer, Stefan Source(s): , Studies / German development institute; 71 304 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Studies / German development…
Analysis of basic service governance and the role of local authorities in improving service delivery
Abstract: A study was conducted in Libya, Sudan, Mauritania, Congo (Brazzaville), and Tanzania on the governance and provision of basic services. The aim was to understand how service delivery can be improved and how local government meet challenges and improve access. Author(s): Sutcliffe, Michael; Bannister, Sue Source(s): , UCLG GOLD : Africa report; III ,…
Contracting the road to development : early impacts of a rural roads program
Abstract: The Peruvian rural roads program (RRP) contracts private local firms for rehabilitation and maintenance with local supervision by community leaders setting incentives that favour prevention activities. It enhanced road transitability, employment, and investments in education and health. Author(s): Valdivia, Martin Source(s): , PMMA working paper; 18 40 p., ill., tabs PMMA working paper 18…
Deterring corruption and improving governance in road construction and maintenance
Abstract: This sourcebook is meant as a resource to sector practitioners to assess the extent and risks of corruption in the sector and to improve governance in ways that reduce corruption. It outlines the articulation between local and national government transport infrastructure planning. Author(s): Ehrhardt, David; Oliver, Chloë; Kenny, Charles Source(s): , Transport papers; TP-27…
Ministry of local governance and housing website
Abstract: The Ministry of Local Government and Housing of Zambia is charged with the administration of the local government system. Among its functions are: chiefs’ affairs, water supply and sanitation, municipal infrastructure services and support services, and provision of feeder, community and urban roads. Author(s): Zambia Source(s): , Published: 2009 Ministry of local governance and…
Lessons from experiences in decentralising infrastructure & service delivery in rural areas : (Uganda case study)
Abstract: The outcomes of innovations in infrastructure service delivery in rural Uganda as introduced by a District Development Programme in the sectors of health, education, water and sanitation, rural roads and agriculture are evaluated. Author(s): Onyach-Olaa , Martin Source(s): , xi, 53 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2003 Asian development bank (ADB)], [Manila (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Analyzing the performance of alternative institutional arrangements for sustaining rural infrastructure in developing countries
Abstract: This paper, which draws on principles from the new institutional economics and institutional analysis, argues that a principal underlying cause of the lack of sustained rural infrastructure investments in developing countries is the set or sets of perverse incentives. Author(s): Ostrom, Elinor; Schroeder, Larry; Wynne, Susan Source(s): , Journal of public administration, research &…