Tag: globalization
Energising local economies : local economic development around the Commonwealth : background discussion paper
Abstract: This paper considers the status of local economic development (LED) across the Commonwealth and reviews the context of globalization, the community leadership role of local government, and the increasing expectations and demands of local communities for services and support around. Author(s): Reddy, Purshottama; Wallis, Malcolm Source(s): , 29 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Commonwealth…
Place-based leadership in a global era
Abstract: Local governments across the world face challenges of globalisation and urbanisation. In many countries, a shift took place from ‘local government’ to ‘local governance’. To avoid undermining local democracy, place-based civic leadership must be given more attention, both in academe and practice. Author(s): Hambleton, Robin Source(s): , Commonwealth journal of local governance (CJLG); 8/9…
Participation and planning for local development : special thematic issue
Abstract: In this issue alternatives to globalization are sought that are based on social dialogue, effective participation, and the valuing of everyone´s cultural and territorial roots. Participatory local development can be a tool for transforming development policies in the face of globalization. Author(s): Mesias, Rosendo; Oliveras, Rosa Source(s): , Universitas forum : [journal on human…
The complexities of decentralization in a globalizing world
Abstract: The interplay of decentralization and globalization in affecting environmental outcomes and community welfare is analysed through a game-theoretic model of community-firm interactions. This will require a mix of policies, including secure property rights and poverty alleviation. Author(s): Engel, Stefanie; Palmer, Charles Source(s): , IED working paper; 8 18 p., ill IED working paper 8…
Development research centre on citizenship, participation and accountability
Abstract: The Centre helps improve the relationships between marginalized people and the institutions that affect their lives through a network of researchers and practitioners dealing with citizenship, local-global interaction, and intercommunal violence. Author(s): IDS Source(s): , Published: 2007 University of Sussex. Institute of development studies (IDS). Development research centre (DRC) on citizenship, participation and accountability,…
The world we could win : administering global governance
Abstract: The history and definition of governance are reviewed and the implementation of good governance at the local level is contrasted with the complexities of good governance at the global level. The importance of proportionality and subsidiarity in realizing openness, participation etc. is emphasized. Author(s): Fraser-Moleketi, Geraldine Joslyn Source(s): , xxxiii, 177 p. Published: 2005…
@local.glob : global thinking for local development = pensamento global para o desenvolvimento local = pendamiento global para el desarrollo local / Delnet programme, International training centre, International labour organization (ILO)
Abstract: Global Thinking for Local Development (@local.glob) is an e-journal about decentralization and local development in a globalized world. It is produced by the Delnet Programme of the International Training Centre of the ILO. Author(s): ITC Source(s): , Published: 2005 ILO. ITC, Turin (English; Spanish; Portuguese ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.delnetitcilo.net/en/publications-all/delnet-journal
Why is local economic development so difficult, and what can we do to make it more effective?
Abstract: The lack of success of local economic development is analysed. The main reasons are inherent reasons such as (a) a top-down approach; (b) unclear concepts; (c) reasons linked to globalization. Alternative approaches to make LED work are suggested. Author(s): Meyer-Stamer, Jörg Source(s): , Mesopartner working paper; 04/2003 41 p., ill., tabs Mesopartner working paper…