Tag: infrastructure
Contracting the road to development : early impacts of a rural roads program
Abstract: The Peruvian rural roads program (RRP) contracts private local firms for rehabilitation and maintenance with local supervision by community leaders setting incentives that favour prevention activities. It enhanced road transitability, employment, and investments in education and health. Author(s): Valdivia, Martin Source(s): , PMMA working paper; 18 40 p., ill., tabs PMMA working paper 18…
Empowering Indonesian communities through direct participation in developing infrastructure and services
Abstract: The National Program for Community Empowerment encourages local communities to participate in the planning process; provides financial support to the communities for poverty alleviation; and enhances the partnership of central and local governments to best provide services where most needed. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , IBRD results 6 p., ill IBRD results Published: 2010…
Ministry of local governance and housing website
Abstract: The Ministry of Local Government and Housing of Zambia is charged with the administration of the local government system. Among its functions are: chiefs’ affairs, water supply and sanitation, municipal infrastructure services and support services, and provision of feeder, community and urban roads. Author(s): Zambia Source(s): , Published: 2009 Ministry of local governance and…
The African millennium villages
Abstract: This article describes the concept, strategy and initial results of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) and implications regarding scalability. Can the interacting crises of agriculture, health, and infrastructure in rural Africa be overcome through targeted public-sector investments? Author(s): Sanchez, Pedro Source(s): , Consilience : the journal of sustainable development; Issue 1 (2009) [18] p.,…
Governance decentralization and local infrastructure provision in Indonesia
Abstract: This paper examines the recent decentralization of governance in Indonesia and its impact on local infrastructure provision. Author(s): Chowdhury, Shyamal; Yamauchi, Futoshi; Dewina, Reno Source(s): , IFPRI discussion paper; 902 vi, 24 p., ill., tabs IFPRI discussion paper 902 Published: 2009 International food policy research institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.ifpri.org/sites/default/files/publications/ifpridp00902.pdf
‘The grass of the rich?’ : integrity and post-war reconstruction in the Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone : public report to stakeholders : community oversight monitoring in reconstruction project findings
Abstract: This GSDRC report focuses on the tangibly negative impact on infrastructural development in Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone, as a result of the lack of transparency, lack of accountability, and corruption between implementing agencies, contractors and the recipient community. Author(s): Broadbent, Emma J.; Kamara, Alpha Source(s): , 45 p., ill., tabs Published: 2009 Centre for…
Deterring corruption and improving governance in road construction and maintenance
Abstract: This sourcebook is meant as a resource to sector practitioners to assess the extent and risks of corruption in the sector and to improve governance in ways that reduce corruption. It outlines the articulation between local and national government transport infrastructure planning. Author(s): Ehrhardt, David; Oliver, Chloë; Kenny, Charles Source(s): , Transport papers; TP-27…
Entre désespoir et espoir : les défis de la gouvernance et de la décentralisation dans la réalisation des investissements publics locaux au Cameroun
Abstract: The decentralization of the planning and implementation of government-funded infrastructural development projects in Cameroon is examined, using the cases of 5 local governments. There is increasing willingness to enhance the governance of the system, but the results so far have been mixed. Author(s): Dongmo Tsobzé, Albert; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Minla Mfou’ou, Jeanot Source(s): ,…
Rural infrastructure, Panchayati raj, and governance
Abstract: Important shortcomings of the institutional and funding approach to local rural infrastructural development in India, particularly when seen from the perspective of the panchayats, have come to light. This chapter lays down suggestions on constructing better frameworks for reform. Author(s): Raghunandan, T.R. Source(s): , p. 28-46, ill., tabs Published: 2007 Oxford university press, [New…
The role of local government in local economic development : a step-by-step approach developed by VNG international
Abstract: The approach consists of six phases, and provides a logical progression from the situation in which there is no organized structure for Local Economic Development to more advanced programmes. Especially suited for local governments that are able to provide basic infrastructure and support services. Author(s): Budds, Jim; Swart, Rolf; Hertogs, Erik-Jan Source(s): , 53…