Tag: institution building
Abstract: In this project database one can find all project activities of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) including projects on governance, decentralization, local government, institution and capacity building. One can search on keywords, year and project status. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2001 Royal tropical institute (KIT), Amsterdam (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://search.kit.nl/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta.exe?&v:project=kit-website-en&query=keyword%3Adecentralization%20OR%20keyword%3Agovernance%20OR%20keyword%3Apartication&binning-state=8%3d%3dProjects%0a&
Realities or rhetoric? : revisiting the decentralization of natural resources management in Uganda and Zambia
Abstract: The reasoning underlying decentralization reforms for natural resource management in east and southern Africa is analysed, using cases from Uganda and Zambia. There may be better ways for establishing local environmental management. Author(s): Lind, Jeremy; Cappon, Jan Source(s): , vi, 80 p. Published: 2001 ACTS press, Nairobi (English ISBN/ISSN: 9966-41-110-0/ Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20050317082423/http://www.acts.or.ke/Rhetoric.htm
Transforming bureaucracies : institutionalising participation and people centred processes in natural resource management : an annotated bibliography
Abstract: This guide to pre-2000 literature on organizational change and the institutionalization of participation in natural resource management served as a background for a reseach programme to scale up participatory initiatives in Burkina Faso, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Senegal. Author(s): Bainbridge, Vanessa Source(s): , 248 p. Published: 2000 International institute for environment and development] (IIED)…
Designing rules for demand-driven rural investment funds : the Latin American experience
Abstract: The demand-driven rural investment fund (DRIFs) is a mechanism for decentralizing decision-making authority and financial resources to local governments and communities. This study explores how well-designed DRIF rules could substitute for central veto power. Author(s): Wiens, Thomas; Guadagni, Maurizio Source(s): , World bank technical paper; 407 xix, 69 p., ill., graphs, tabs, 28 cm…