Tag: project activities
Increasing public participation through awareness raising activities : a case study in Trao reef marine reserve, Vietnam
Abstract: This paper focuses on stakeholder participation in the community-based management of Trao Reef, Vietnam. The high level of environmental awareness of the local community contributed to the success of the project, harmonizing the socio-economic benefits of the local community and nature conservation. Author(s): Hang Thi Minh Tran; Loke Ming Chou; Hue Thu Nguyen Source(s):…
Project management in local government : a systemic and strategic approach
Abstract: This paper was presented by Mondli Mbambo at the 14th Annual National Conference of the Institute for Local Government Management in South Africa. It deals with how municipal projects are organized and managed, how this can be improved, and how communities can participate. Author(s): Mbambo, Mondli Source(s): , 11 p., ill. Published: 2010 Institute…
Abstract: In this project database one can find all project activities of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) including projects on governance, decentralization, local government, institution and capacity building. One can search on keywords, year and project status. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2001 Royal tropical institute (KIT), Amsterdam (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://search.kit.nl/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta.exe?&v:project=kit-website-en&query=keyword%3Adecentralization%20OR%20keyword%3Agovernance%20OR%20keyword%3Apartication&binning-state=8%3d%3dProjects%0a&
Designing rules for demand-driven rural investment funds : the Latin American experience
Abstract: The demand-driven rural investment fund (DRIFs) is a mechanism for decentralizing decision-making authority and financial resources to local governments and communities. This study explores how well-designed DRIF rules could substitute for central veto power. Author(s): Wiens, Thomas; Guadagni, Maurizio Source(s): , World bank technical paper; 407 xix, 69 p., ill., graphs, tabs, 28 cm…