Tag: local finance
Our money, our responsibility : a citizens’ guide to monitoring government expenditures
Abstract: The basic ideas that civil society groups need to begin monitoring budget expenditures are provided. The overall budget process is explained, followed by a close-up look at the stages in which civil society groups can track and monitor expenditures. Author(s): Ramkumar, Vivek Source(s): , x, 166 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 International budget project…
Accroître les ressources financières des communes : pratiques émergentes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
Abstract: The mobilization and management of financial resources is one of the pillars of the decentralization and sustainable provision of basic services in local communities. This book examines what progress has been made in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin, and Cameroon. Author(s): Keita, Amagoin; Baltissen, Gerard; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , 95 p., ill., tabs,…
UCLG policy paper on local finance : including the UCLG support paper
Abstract: Local finance is instrumental in any decentralization process and therefore a priority for UCLG. The relationships between local governments, multilateral organizations and national governments in relation to decentralization are outlined. Author(s): UCLG Source(s): , 70 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2008 United cities and local governments (UCLG), Barcelona (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.cities-localgovernments.org/upload/doc_publications/93766881510_%28EN%29_uclgpolicypaperonlocalfinanceeng2.pdf
Outsourcing revenue collection : experiences from local government authorities in Tanzania
Abstract: This brief examines recent experiences with privatized revenue collection in seven urban and rural councils in Tanzania, with particular focus on the outsourcing of revenue collection to private agents. Author(s): Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Katera, Lucas; Ngalewa, Erasto Source(s): , REPOA brief; 10 7 p., ill., tabs REPOA brief 10 Published: 2008 Research on poverty alleviation…
Public expenditure tracking in Tanzania at district-level : effects on local accountability
Abstract: This paper shows that Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) improves accountability and responsiveness of local governments in Tanzania, but much needs to be done to increase efficacy, efficiency and impact. Author(s): Graaf, Kees De Source(s): , SNV publications; H0702-07 20 p SNV publications H0702-07 Published: 2007 SNV Netherlands development organisation, The Hague (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Participatory budgeting
Abstract: This book examines the potential and perils of participatory budgeting, as observed from practices around the globe. Part I presents the nuts and bolts of participatory budgeting. Part II surveys experiences with participatory budgeting in various regions of the world. Author(s): Shah, Anwar Source(s): , Public sector governance and accountability series xxiii, 269 p.,…
Empowering the marginalized : case studies of social accountability initiatives in Asia
Abstract: Thirteen case studies of social accountability, including citizen participation in public policy making, participatory budgeting, participatory gender budget formulation and analysis, independent budget analysis, public expenditure tracking, citizen monitoring, and social audits. Author(s): Sirker, Karen; Cosic, Sladjana Source(s): , WBI working papers ix, 86 p., ill., tabs WBI working papers Published: 2007 World bank…
Local governance in developing countries
Abstract: This report develops a comparative institutional framework for responsive, responsible, and accountable governance in developing countries. Ten country case studies of local government organization and finance are included. Author(s): Shah, Anwar Source(s): , Public sector governance and accountability series xxix, 457 p., ill., graphs, tabs, 23 cm Public sector governance and accountability series Published:…
Assessing the merits of decentralization as a conflict mitigation strategy
Abstract: Case studies from Colombia, Ghana, the Philippines, and Uganda illustrate the complex effects of decentralization on conflict stabilization. Decentralization supportive of higher local government expenditures, employment, and elected leaders have been less likely to succumb to ethnic conflict. Author(s): Siegle, Joseph; O’Mahony, Patrick Source(s): , 72 p., ill., tabs Published: 2006 Pennsylvania state university.…
Developmental local government : a case study of South Africa
Abstract: The author proposes a model for capturing the developmental role of local government in institutional arrangements. The model is not only based on development theories, but is also tested in practice. An overview of the South African design for local government is provided. Author(s): Visser, Jacobus Wilhelm De Source(s): , xix, 313 p., 24…